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İngilis dili mətn - The day the bombing of London started
In August 1940, Germany had control over a big part of Western Europe. But one country that resisted their attacks was Great Britain. Germany tried to make the British feel very sad by bombing their capital city.
The bombing began on September 7, 1940. London got hurt very badly, and many people got hurt or died, but the people of London didn't lose hope. They sent children away to the countryside for safety. Those who stayed in London found safety in subway stations underground.
The bombing went on for 57 days, and during that time, 20,000 people lost their lives.
But here's the important part: the bombing didn't make the British give up or hurt their economy in a big way. Instead, it made the British people even stronger, and in the end, they won the Second World War.
This time in history shows how the British faced difficult times during the war, and they didn't let the bombings break their spirit. Instead, they became even more determined and eventually emerged victorious in the Second World War.
İngillis dilinde sozler luget
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İngilis dilinde sozler ve tercumesi
Germany - Almaniya
Control - Nəzarət, idarə
Western Europe - Qərbi Avropa
Bombing - Bombalanma
Hope - Ümüd, Ümüd etmək
Countryside - Kənd, şəhərkənarı
Safety - Təhlükəsizlik
Subway station - Metro stansiyası
Give up - Vazkeçmək
Instead - Əvəzinə
Stronger - Daha güclü
The Second World War - İkinci dünya müharibəsi
Face - Üz, üzləşmək
Break - Qırmaq, sındırmaq
Spirit - Ruh
Determined - Əzmli, qərarlı
Eventually - Nəhayət
Emerged - Meydana çıxmaq, üzə çıxmaq
Victorious - Qalib, müzəffər