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İngilis dili mətn - Iran-Iraq war
The Iran-Iraq War was a very long and tough fight that happened a long time ago, between 1980 and 1988. It involved two countries, Iran and Iraq, which are next to each other in the Middle East. The war started because these two countries had arguments about their borders and didn't get along.
During the war, there was a lot of fighting, and it was not good for the people in both countries. Soldiers on both sides got hurt, and many people had to leave their homes to stay safe. It was a sad time for everyone.
What made it even worse was that some other countries got involved, too. They gave weapons and help to one side or the other, which made the fighting even more intense.
Finally, in 1988, they decided to stop fighting and made a peace agreement with the help of the United Nations. But the war had already caused a lot of damage and sadness in both Iran and Iraq. Many families lost loved ones, and it took a long time for things to get better.
So, the Iran-Iraq War was a big and sad event in history, where two countries fought for a long time, and many people suffered. It reminds us how important it is to try and solve problems without fighting.
İngillis dilinde sozler luget
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İngilis dilinde sozler ve tercumesi
War - Müharibə
Tough - Sərt
The Middle East - Orta şərq
Argument - Mübahisə
Get along - Anlaşmaq, yola getmək
Border - Sərhəd
Soldier - Əsgər
Stay safe - Təhlükəsiz qalmaq
Worse - Daha pis
Get involved - İştirak etmək
Weapon - Silah
Intense - Gərgin
Make a peace agreement - Sülh müqaviləsi qurmaq
The United Nations - Birləşmiş millətlər
Cause a lot of damage - Çox ziyan vurmaq
Get better - Yaxşılaşmaq
Sad event - Kədərli hadisə
Suffer - Əziyyət çəkmək
Remind - Xatırlatmaq
Solve problems - Problemləri həll etmək