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İngilis dili mətn - The day Charles III became king
On a special day in 2022, something important happened in the United Kingdom. Prince Charles, who was born in 1948, became the king when he was 73 years old. This happened because his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, passed away.
Now, King Charles III is not only in charge of the United Kingdom but also 15 other countries. These countries include Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and some places in the Caribbean and the Pacific Ocean. So, he has a big responsibility, taking care of all these places.
This was a big moment in history because King Charles III is the oldest person to become king in the United Kingdom. It's like he is the leader of a big club of countries, and he has to make sure everything runs smoothly.
So, to sum it up, Prince Charles became King Charles III on September 10, 2022, and he has an important job of looking after not just the United Kingdom but also many other countries far away.
İngillis dilinde sozler luget
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İngilis dilinde sozler ve tercumesi
King - Kral
Pass away - Ölmək, rəhmətə getmək
In charge of - Öhdəliyində, məsuliyyətində
Include - Daxil olmaq, daxil etmək
The Caribbean - Karib
The Pacific Ocean - Sakit Okean
Responsibility - Məsuliyyət
Take care of - Baxmaq, diqqət etmək, qulluğunda durmaq
Moment - An
The United Kingdom - Birləşmiş krallıq
Run smoothly - Problemsizcə işləmək
To sum it up - Xülasə etsək
Look after - Baxmaq, qulluq etmək, qulluğunda durmaq