İngiliscə öyrənmək üçün reading (mətn) testləri
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İngilis dili mətn - Thailand nursery shooting
Last week, a terrible event occurred at a nursery in northeastern Thailand. A man went inside and used a gun to hurt people. He hurt and killed at least 37 individuals, including 23 children. This happened while the children were sleeping, which makes it even sadder.
After the attack, the man went home to hurt his own family and then himself. People from the local area hurried to a nearby hospital to give their blood to help the victims.
The person who did this was a 34-year-old man. He used to be a police officer, but he lost his job in June because he was using drugs. Nobody knows why he attacked the nursery. People who knew him from the nursery said he used to be friendly and liked talking to others.
Usually, there are 90 children at the nursery, but last Thursday, there were only around 20 kids. Many didn’t come because the weather was bad, and a school bus was broken. It's really sad that such a terrible thing happened, especially to young children.
İngillis dilinde sozler luget
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İngilis dilinde sozler ve tercumesi
Terrible - Dəhşətli
Event - Hadisə
Occur - Baş vermək
Nursery - Uşaq bağçası
Gun - Silah
Individual - Fərdi
Including - Daxil olmaqla
Attack - Hücum, hücum etmək
Hurry - Tələsmək
Nearby hospital - Yaxınlıqdakı xəstəxana
Blood - Qan
Victim - Qurban
Drug - Narkotik, dərman
Especially - Xüsusilədə