
İngilis dili öyrənmək üçün mətnlər - A2 səviyyə ( The day the most famous formula was published )

1 1659

İngiliscə öyrənmək üçün mətn testləri


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İngilis dili mətn - The most famous formula 


Once upon a time, there was a very smart scientist named Albert Einstein. He was very famous for a special formula called "E=mc²." Let me explain what that means in simple words.

"E" stands for energy. Energy is what makes things work, like when you play with your toys or run around outside.

"M" is for mass. Mass means how much stuff is in an object. For example, a big rock has more mass than a small pebble.

"C" is for the speed of light. The speed of light is super duper fast, even faster than a race car!

Now, when Einstein put all these letters together in his formula, he discovered something amazing. He found out that energy and mass are connected. It's like a special relationship between them.

Here's the cool part: If you can turn mass into energy, you can make a lot of power! This idea helped scientists make things like nuclear energy, which is used to generate electricity.

So, thanks to Albert Einstein and his famous formula, we learned how to use mass to create lots of energy. It's like a magic equation that changed the world and made Einstein one of the most famous scientists ever! The end


İngillis dilinde sozler luget


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İngilis dilinde sozler ve tercumesi


Once upon a time - Bir vaxtlar 

Scientist - Alim, elm adamı 

Formula - Düstur 

Explain - İzah etmək

Stand for - Mənasına gəlmək

Mass - Kütlə 

Stuff - Şey, əşya 

Object  - Cisim 

Rock  - Qaya 

Pebble - Çınqıl,çay daşı 

The speed of light - İşıq sürəti 

Letter - Məktub 

Discover - Kəşf etmək

To be connected - Əlaqəli olmaq 

Relationship - Münasibət, əlaqə

Turn into  - Çevrilmək 

Generate - Əmələ gətirmək 

Thanks to  - Sayəsində 

Create - Yaratmaq 
