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İngilis dili mətn - The day the first journey around the world ended
Ferdinand Magellan was a brave explorer from Portugal. He became a leader of a Spanish group that wanted to find a new way to get to East Asia in 1519. Instead of going around Africa and through the Indian Ocean like others did, Magellan decided to go the other way, around South America. He had five ships and 270 crew members with him on this big adventure.
Their main goal was to bring back spices from East Asia. Their journey was very long and very tough. Sadly, many of the crew, including Ferdinand Magellan, didn't make it. But after reaching East Asia, they didn't give up. They sailed across the Indian Ocean and went all the way around Africa.
What's amazing is that only one ship made it back to Spain, and it was filled with precious spices and 18 sailors. This incredible journey ended on September 6, 1522. It was the first time anyone had gone all the way around the world. This showed everyone that the Earth is round, just like a ball!
In summary, Ferdinand Magellan was an explorer who went on a dangerous adventure to find a new way to East Asia. Even though it was really hard, they brought back spices and proved that the Earth is round. This journey is still remembered today as a great achievement in exploration
İngillis dilinde sozler luget
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İngilis dilinde sozler ve tercumesi
Explorer - Tədqiqatçı
East Asia - Şərqi asiya
Instead of - Əvəzinə
Through - Vasitəsilə, içindən
Decide - Qərarlaşdırmaq
South America - Cənubi Amerika
Crew members - Heyət ( ekipaj) üzvləri
Adventure - Macəra
Bring back spices - Ədviyyatları geri gətirmək
Sadly - Təəssüf ki
Give up - Vaz keçmək
Sail - Yelkən açmaq
Precious - Dəyərli, qiymətli
Incredible - İnanılmaz
Round - Dairəvi, yumru
Ball - Top
In summary - Xülasə, yekun olaraq
Even though - Baxmayaraq
Prove - Sübut etmək
Achievement - Nəaliyyət
Exploration - Tədqiqat