
İngilis dilində oxu mətni testləri - A2 səviyyə ( The day of the terrorist attacks on the US )

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İngilis dili Oxu mətn testləri


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İngilis dili mətn - The day of the terrorist attacks on the US


On September 11, 2001, a group of 19 bad people did something very, very wrong. They took over four airplanes, and this caused one of the most terrible things in history.

The first airplane crashed into a really tall building called the World Trade Center in New York City. This happened in the morning at 8:46. The building started to catch on fire, and lots of people who were just going to work got very scared and tried to get out. After a short time, another airplane crashed into the building next door. This made many, many people very sad. Less than two hours later, the two buildings fell down, and many people watched this happen on their TV screens.

The third airplane crashed into a special building where people work for the government. The fourth airplane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. On these airplanes, many people called for help because they didn't want the bad people to do more bad things. The bad people had things like knives and other stuff they weren't supposed to have when they got on the airplanes.

Almost 3,000 people lost their lives because of these terrible events. Afterward, many airports in different parts of the world made sure to check things better to make sure nothing like this could happen again


İngillis dilinde sozler luget


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İngilis dilinde sozler ve tercumesi


Take over - Təhvil almaq

Airplane - Təyyarə

Cause - Səbəb olmaq, yaratmaq

Terrible  - Dəhşətli 

Crash into - Dəymək

Catch on fire - Alovlanmaq, alov almaq

Get scared - Qorxmaq 

Fall down - Düşmək, yerə düşmək

Screen - Ekran 

Government - Hökümət 

Knife - Bıçaq 

Check - Baxmaq, yoxlamaq 
