
İngilis dilində oxu mətnləri - A2 səviyyə ( The day Ötzi was faund)

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İngilis dili oxu mətni testləri


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İngilis dili mətn - The day Ötzi was faund


In the fall of 1991, two travelers from Germany were hiking in the Ötztal Alps, near the border of Austria and Italy. Instead of staying on the usual path, they took a different way.

All of a sudden, they spotted a body frozen in the ice. At first, they thought it might be a mountaineer who had passed away. They quickly contacted the local authorities, who carefully removed the body and took it to Innsbruck, Austria.

After studying the body, experts were amazed to discover that it was more than 5,000 years old! It turned out to be the oldest natural mummy ever found in Europe, and they gave it the name Ötzi. Ötzi was about 160 centimeters tall and weighed around 50 kilograms. Something fascinating about him was that he had 61 tattoos on his skin.

In the year 2008, a court decided that the two tourists who had found Ötzi would receive a reward of 150,000 euros as a way to thank them for their discovery. It was a special day when they took a different path and stumbled upon Ötzi, who helped us learn so much about ancient times.



İngillis dilinde sozler luget


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İngilis dilinde sozler ve tercumesi


Fall - Payız 

Traveler - Səyahətçi 

Hiking - Gəzinti 

Instead of - Əvəzinə, yerinə 

All of sudden - Anidən, qəfildən

Spot - Görmək

Frozen  - Donmuş 

Mountaineer - Alpinist, dağçı

Pass away - Ölmək, keçinmək

Local authorities - Yerli hakimiyyət orqanları

To be amazed - Heyrətlənmək

Mummy - Mumya

Weigh - Çəkisi olmaq

Fascinating - Füsunkar, valehedici

Skin - Dəri 

Court - Məhkəmə

Receive a reward - Mükafat almaq 

Discovery - Kəşf 

Stumble upon - Rast gəlmək 

Ancient times - Qədim zamanlar

