
İngilis dilində mətnlər - A2 səviyyə ( The day the first European saw the Pacific Ocean )

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İngilis dili mətn - The day the first European saw the Pacific Ocean



Vasco Nunez de Balboa was a brave Spanish explorer. In the year 1513, he led an expedition to a faraway place called the Pacific Ocean in Central America.

His adventure started on September 1, with a group of 190 fellow Spaniards, a few local guides who knew the land well, and some trusty dogs to keep them company. Together, they entered a thick, wild jungle, where tall trees and tangled vines made it a challenging journey. On their way, they met different groups of native people, and sometimes they had to fight to keep going.

As they got closer to their destination, they faced an even bigger challenge. They had to cross a massive group of mountains. The local people told them that from the top of these mountains, you could see the Pacific Ocean.

Then, on September 25, 1513, after many days of hard trekking, Balboa finally reached the peak of one of these mountains. And there, right before his eyes, was something truly amazing that no other European had ever seen – the vast, sparkling waters of the Pacific Ocean. It was a moment in history that people would always remember. Balboa's journey became famous because of this incredible discovery, and he would forever be known as the brave explorer who first laid eyes on the Pacific Ocean


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İngilis dilinde sozler ve tercumesi


Brave - Cəsur 

Explorer - Tədqiqatçı 

Lead an expedition - Ekspedisiyaya rəhbərlik etmək 

Faraway - Uzaq

The Pacific Ocean - Sakit Okean 

Adventure - Macəra, sərgüzəşt

Spaniard - İspan 

Local guides  - Yerli bələdçilər 

Trust - Etibar etmək, güvənmək

Thick  - Qalın, sıx 

Tangles vines - Sarmaşıqlar

Challenging journey  - Çətin səyahət, məşəqqətli səyahət 

Native people - Yerli camaat

Keep going - Davam etmək 

Get closer - Yaxınlaşmaq 

Destination  - Gedilən yer, təyinat nöqtəsi 

Face - Üz, üzləşmək

Cross - Keçmək

From the top of  - Üstündən 

Hard trekking - Çətin yürüyüş 

Peak - Zirvə 

Right before - Düz qarşısında, düz önündə 

Vast - Geniş 

Sparkling waters - Qazlı sular, çaölayan sular 

Incredible discovery - İnanılmaz kəşf

Lay eyes - Göz qoymaq, göz dikmək 
