
İngilis dilində mətnlər - A2 səviyyə (THE DAY THE LENINGRAD BLOCKADE STARTED )

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İngilis dili mətn - The day the Leningrad blockade started


During World War II, something very sad happened in a place called Leningrad, which is now called Saint Petersburg. Imagine a big wall around the city that didn't let anyone in or out. This happened on September 8, 1941, when the bad guys, the Germans, closed the roads to Leningrad. Life inside the city was very, very tough. People didn't have enough food to eat, and it was super cold in the winter, like freezing cold!

But the brave Russians didn't give up. They found a way to bring some food and things to Leningrad. In the summertime, they used boats on a nearby lake to carry supplies to the city. And when the lake froze in the winter and turned into strong ice, they used cars to bring stuff.

But here's the really scary part: the Germans kept trying to stop the Russians from bringing supplies. They attacked the supply teams many times.

This tough time when Leningrad was closed off from the world lasted for a very long time—872 days! And during this time, more than one million people sadly lost their lives because they didn't have enough to eat or because of the tough conditions. It's a very sad story from history that we should remember.


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İngilis dilinde sozler ve tercumesi


World War II - 2 -ci Dünya müharibəsi

Imagine  - Təsəvvür etmək

Tough - Sərt

Give up - Vazkeçmək

Carry supplies - Təchizat aparmaq

Lake - Göl 

Turn into - Çevrilmək

Stuff - Heyət 

Supply teams - Təchizat komandası 

Last - Davam etmək, keçən, axırıncı

Because of - Ucbatından, görə
