
İngilis dili Dinləmə mətni - Listening ( What did you today?) + Cümlədə Keçmiş zamanın istifadəsi + Online test + Lüğət

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İngilis dili Dinləmə mətni - Listening ( What did you today?)

English Listening Conversation practice - Online practice tests and vocabulary


Jeyhoon: Hello, everyone. Welcome to our daily conversation and listening part for beginner and elementary levels. My partner, Carla, and I will ask some questions about our past activities and answer them in limited grammar. we will only speak in simple past tense form. When you hear the question, you pause the video and answer it in your own way

Let me first say hello to my partner, Carla.
Hello Carla, how is it going?

Carla: hello Jeyhoon. Everything is going perfectly. 
İ hope you haven't made difficult questions. İ know that I have to answer your questions only in simple past tense form.
Ok, Jeyhoon. İ am ready for my first question.

Jeyhoon: my first question is very simple. What did you today? 

Carla: today I woke up late. İ always used to wake up early in the morning. But this time, it was around 11 a.m when I got out of my bed. Today I had no responsibility early in the morning. That is why I decided to sleep till 11. 
İ went first into the bathroom. İ washed my face and brushed my teeth. İt took just 10 minutes. Then I passed into the kitchen. İ prepared breakfast for me. İ drank two cups of milk. İ didn't watch anything on tv today. Because I needed to do household chores at home. İt was 12.30 at noon when I finished household chores. İ went to school and picked up my daughter in my car. Her teacher told me a lot of great things about my daughter's monthly performance in class. My daughter was near the door while I was talking with her teacher. 
İ took my daughter to the amusement park. She was very happy. She got on the carousel and dodgem car. İt was so an amazing day for both of us. Thanks to my daughter, I experienced once again what it is like to be a child. 
After then, I asked my daughter if she wanted to go home. She wanted to have more fun with me. So she said: let's go to another place to have more fun. 
Then we went to the cinema. My daughter likes fantasy and science fiction movies.  We watched a fantasy movie. But before we entered the hall, I bought popcorn for my daughter. İt all cost me 20 dollars. İt was a very fantastic day. 
After the movie, we went to our home. when I arrived home, my husband wasn't at home. He was at work.  I took off my clothes and went into the bathroom. İ took a shower for about 10 minutes. After taking a bath,  İ made pudding in the kitchen for my daughter. She loved it. She asked me to add a special cream to it next time. 
İ told her to go to her room and do homework. But she said: today is Friday.  She said to me that she would do her homework the following day. Then she turned on the tv and watched her favorite cartoon. 

Carla: how about you, Jeyhoon? What did you do today? 

Jeyhoon: İ woke up today at 10 a.m. As always I first checked my phone. İ read some news on the internet for about 20 minutes. İ couldn't find any interesting news. 
İ got up from my bed and went into the bathroom. İ washed my face and brushed my teeth. 
İ didn't have breakfast today. Because I had a meeting with my co-worker outside. She sent a text message to me last night. She wanted to talk with me about a very important thing. 
At 11 a.m, I was already there in our meeting place. İt was 11.30 when she arrived. She said sorry for being late. 
İ told her that I didn't do breakfast. She didn't either. So I checked my phone to find a restaurant around. Luckily I found one. We went in and waited for a waiter to bring the menu. On the menu, we found some food which we liked. İ ordered a soup which was made of pumpkin and garlic and roasted meat for both of us. 
İ asked her what important thing she would tell me. 
She said that she wanted to quit her job and marry. She wanted to know my idea about her decision. She wanted me to show her a way. But I couldn't say anything. Because that is her life.
She asked: would it be better if I choose both?
İ said, yeah sure. 
But I think her boyfriend wouldn't allow her to work. Because he says: the best and safest place for a woman is home. 
İ advised her to talk with her boyfriend personally about the issue.
She agreed with my idea and made a call to her boyfriend. 
1 hour later, they met up outside. İ hope she already solved it.



İngilis dili lüğət

İngilizce sözlük

Английский словарь

English vocabulary Azərbaycan dili Lüğət Türkçe sözlük Pусский словарь
past activities  keçmiş fəaliyyətlər geçmiş aktiviteler прошлые действия
limited məhdud sınırlı, kısıtlı ограниченный
simple past tense sadə keçmiş zaman basit geçmiş zaman Простое прошедшее время
to pause fasilə vermək, ara vermək duraklatmak, duraksamak, tereddüd etmek, ara vermek сделать паузу
to make a question  sual vermək soru sormak задать вопрос
to wake up  oyanmaq, yuxudan oyanmaq, ayılmaq uyanmak, uyandırmak проснуться, просыпаться
around ətrafında, təxmini etrafında, aşağı yukarı вокруг, около, кругом
responsibility məsuliyyət, cavabdehlik  sorumluluk, yükümlülük обязанность
to decide  qərar vermək, qərarlaşdırmaq karar vermek решать
that is why buna görə də bu yüzden поэтому
to wash up  yumaq  yıkamak вымыть умываться
to brush fırçalamaq, şotkalamaq fırçalamak  чистить, вычистить
to pass into içəri keçmək içeri geçmek перейти в
to prepare hazırlamaq hazırlamak подготовить
household chores ev işləri ev işleri работа по дому
to pick up götürmək, qaldırmaq, aparmaq arabayla almak, kaldırmak, toplamak поднять, забрать, подбирать
monthly performance aylıq performans aylık performans ежемесячная производительность
amusement park Əyləncə parkı lunapark парк с аттракционами
carousel karusel atlıkarınca карусель
dodgem car toqquşan maşın çarpışan araba  
experience təcrübə yaşamaq deneyim, tecrübe, yaşamak, tecrübü etmek опыт, испытывать
to have fun əylənmək  eylenmek веселиться
science fiction elmi fantastika Bilim kurgu научная фантастика
hall  zal, salon salon, koridor зал
to take a shower duş qəbul etmək, çimmək banyo yapmak принять душ
to arrive glib çatmaq gelmek, varmak прибывать
to add əlavə etmək eklemek, katmak, ilave etmek добавить
to do homework ev tapşırığını etmək ödev yapmak делать домашнюю работу
to turn on the tv televizoru açmaq televizyonu açmak включать телевизор
cartoon çizgi film çizgi film мультфильм
how about you bəs sən peki ya sen Как насчет тебя
to check baxmaq, yoxlamaq, nəzarət etmək kontrol etmek, denetlemek, gözden geçirmek проверить, контролировать
to get up from bed çarpayıdan qalxmaq yatakdan kalkmak вставать с постели
co-worker iş yoldaşı  iş arkadaşı  коллега по работе
to send a text message mesaj göndərmək kısa mesaj göndermek  отправить текстовое сообщение
luckily Allahdan, xoşbəxtlikdən Allah'tan к счастью
to order sifariş vermək, əmr etmək sipariş vermek, emr etmek, düzenlemek заказать
pumpkin balqabaq balkabağı тыква
garlic sarımsaq sarımsak чеснок