
Beginner və Elementary İngilis dili Dinləmə mətni ( Listening) və Danışıq. Dinləmə testləri və Lüğət

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Carla: Hello, everyone. Welcome to our conversation show. İn this listening part, I am going to ask my partner, Jeyhoon, simple questions and he is going to answer me with only limited grammar, such as simple present tense form and the verb ' have and to be'

Hello, Jeyhoon. How is it going? 

Jeyhoon: hello, Carla. İt is going perfectly. Today I am very happy. But İt is really hard to speak on a limited grammar. İ think this is a new challenge for me. 
Alright, let's get started. 
What is your first question?

Carla: my first question is also a challenge for you. you will answer my questions only in simple present tense form using when, after, before. İs it alright for you? 

Jeyhoon: alright, I am in. 




Carla: alright. My first question is ' could you talk to me about your morning routine? 

Jeyhoon. İ every day wake up at 7 o'clock in the morning. But I don't immediately get out of my bed. İ stay in bed for about 30 minutes.  firstly take my phone from the table and check some of the messages from Instagram and Whatsapp. On Instagram, I follow many news channels. İ like reading news about politics and the economy. Sometimes I read the news from other websites. On my phone, I have a game called racing cars. İ always play that game before I get up from my bed. İt is really exciting and fun. You can even play it online. On the internet, there are many games for everyone. 
After I finish playing the game, I get out of my bed and go directly to the bathroom. İ first wash my face, then brush my teeth. 
İ have a special activity in the mornings. Exercise!!! İ nearly do exercise every day before I go to work. Doing exercise in the morning is a great way to start the day
Sometimes I like taking a shower in the morning. My mother says that taking a bath in the mornings is a very healthy habit. İt helps us to feel energic all day long. After taking a bath, I dry and comb my hair.
My mother wakes up earlier than I. Because she sleeps very early. She sets the table for breakfast when I am in the bathroom. İ usually do breakfast at 8 o'clock. At breakfast, I like eating bread with honey and cheese. İ also eat olive and drink tea. We are a Turkish family. İn Turkish families, eating olive is a tradition. My mother even puts some vegetables on the table, such as potato and cucumber. One of my favorite things at breakfast is butter. İ can't imagine any breakfast without butter. Butter and cheese in bread with a sugary tea is very tasty.
İ have a car. İt is not an expensive is a German car and yellow.  İ drive it for going to work. İ want to buy a new one. But I don't have enough money for buying a new one. İ save some money from my salary to buying the new one. My savings are now totally 9800 dollars. I think İ need to save more to reach 15000 dollars
İ usually finish my breakfast at 8.30. I work in a big market as a manager. The market is near to my house, just around 5 minutes by car. İ even sometimes go to work on foot. 
After breakfast, I generally turn on the tv and watch some morning programs for about 30 minutes. 
After I watch, I am ready to go to work. 
When I drive my car, I see many people on the road waiting for the bus. Sometimes I experience some problems on the road. Some drivers drive very fast. İ sometimes argue with them in traffic. 
İt is always around 9:45 when I arrive at work. Before I start working, I always have a cup of coffee. Coffee is my favorite drink. İ cant start the day without drinking it.

İ think that is enough talking about my morning routine. 
When I started to speak about my morning routine, I tried to be very attentive building sentences in only simple present tense forms.

My dear, Carla. What is your next question? 

Carla: Wow, Jeyhoon. Congratulations. You have just completed the mission or a challenge very successfully by following the limited grammar rule given to you. Well done
My next question is ' what do exactly do at work? Tell me everything about your work routine by using the only simple present tense form in your sentences

Jeyhoon: my goodness. Your questions are getting harder and harder. Alright. Let me try to answer

İ usually work on the computer and around customers and workers. İ check workers' performance during working hours. At the end of the day, I report it to my boss. 
Everybody likes my behavior and work performance very much at work. 
When it is break time, we usually gather in the kitchen and drink tea or coffee. But our break time is just only 10 minutes. We talk many funny things in those 10 minutes. Our lunchtime starts at 1  and finishes at 2 p.m. 
Our kitchen is quite large. Everyone heats their food in the microwave oven. İ generally eat sausage and boiled egg at lunch. My mother puts the food into my bag before I leave the house.
But these days I eat plenty of meat to get more protein. Because I go to the gym after work, so I need more energy and protein to build my muscles.
After lunch, everyone, including me, goes back to work. İt is really difficult to feel awake after your stomach is full. Can you imagine, you are fully awake till lunchtime, but after it, you feel tired and sleepy. You just want to go back to your house and sleep. But this is impossible. My work finishes at 7 o'clock. Oh lord. 

Carla: I wonder what do you usually talk about with your workers at lunch? Because you skipped talking about your kitchen routine at lunchtime
This is your next challenge. Remember- use the only simple present tense form and add conjunctions such as when, while, before, after.

Jeyhoon: okay, I got it. İ will try to do my best not use other tense forms but only simple present tense form
But first, let me try to find what I can say about my kitchen routine.

When everyone finishes eating, I usually ask my workers about their problems at work. 
İ teach them how to be polite to our customers during the working process. 
Sometimes some of them ask me questions about the salary raise. 
Some others talk to me about their activities after work. 
They are very surprised when I say to them that I don't go anywhere after work. İ just go back to my house and spend time with my family, especially with my nephew. 
İ enjoy a lot spending time at home. But some people don't like spending time at home. They think that different places and atmosphere are better. But I don't think so. İ don't feel well if I spend much more time outside. 

Carla: but how about your evening activities? What can you say about it?

Jeyhoon: I finish work at 7 p.m. I always call my mother and ask her about what to buy from the market. After the market, I go to my favorite greengrocer. İ usually buy some vegetables, such as onion, potato, parsley, celery, carrot, mushroom and etc.
İn that market, every vegetable is so fresh and organic. Lately, I try to maintain my diet. İ can be much healthier if I regularly consume organic vegetables. 
İ also buy some seasonal fruits, such as orange, persimmon, pomegranate, pear, and grape. İ consume fruits 3 times a week. 
When I arrive home, it is usually around 8 in the evening. When I enter the living room, I always find everyone waiting for me at the table to eat together. 
My father is retired. He doesn't have a job. His best fan in the family is me. Because he likes playing board games with me, such as domino, backgammon, and chess. 
He tells me that he enjoys it a lot while playing it with me. 
My evening routine at home is not only about playing board games with my dad. 
But also I watch old Turkish movies on the tv. 
At 10 p.m, my mother and father are already tired. They go to bed early and sleep. 
But I hate sleeping early. Before I go to bed, I usually read many articles and news on the internet. 
İ have some favorite channels on youtube. Most of them are about science, technology, and space.


Carla: Jeyhoon, what can you tell me about your weekend?
But remember, you will only speak in present tense form.

Jeyhoon: at weekends, I usually wake up late in the morning. Because on that day, I don't go to work. İ take a rest at home till afternoon. İ usually get out of my bed at 12 o'clock and go immediately to the bathroom for general cleaning. İ usually finish lunch at 1.30. 
İ have a friend. He is my old friend from school years. İ often meet him outside. Most of the time we go to some places together. One of our favorite places is the karaoke club. 
Especially on Sundays,  I go with him to the karaoke club to sing. But I often go there in the evenings. Going there in the morning and afternoon is not fun for us. 
After lunch, I call my friend to meet outside. When we meet outside, as always, we first go to the seaside and drink our favorite tea with strawberry jam towards the sea. Listening to the sound of waves is so amazing moment. We both like the sea and the quiet atmosphere around. When there are many people around, we don't enjoy it. We want a place where there is nobody.
Later we head to some other places to play badminton or tennis. Even at some weekends, we build our team consists of 11 men to play soccer against others. 
This is all totally about my weekend

Carla: alright. But how about the most significant and special days that you can tell us? Such as birthdays and holidays. 

Jeyhoon:  at birthdays, I feel quite embarrassed and angry. Because I hate birthdays. İ just want to look young, handsome, and feel energic. But every year on my birthday, I feel much older compared to last year. İ think I need to change my thoughts about it. Ok, what do we do and what do I do specifically on my birthday? 

İ think most people love birthdays all around the world. But I don't like it. İ already mentioned why I don't like it. 
On my birthday, I usually celebrate it with my family at home. My mom bakes my favorite cake on the occasion of my birthday. She puts some colorful candles on it. She even cooks some delicious dishes and garnishes or set the table with them. 
We don't like decorating our house with some bells and balloons. But we like seeing different types of food on the table on our birthdays or other special days. 
When my father sits on his chair, we all start eating. After we finish eating, I wish for something in my mind and blow up the candles. 
We generally drink only wine on our special days at home. We don't drink other alcoholic beverages. 
My father raises his wine glass in his hand and says toast
After his toast, we play music on our computer and dance. İ think dancing is one of the best parts of my birthday.

Carla: Jeyhoon, how about holidays, such as new year, Ramadan, Thanksgiving, or Halloween. What can you tell me about 


Jeyhoon: holidays here in my places such as new year and Ramadan,  are very special for people. 
Before Ramadan, people make some preparations. They cook some traditional food for the celebration. They share their food with people in need. They invite others into their houses and give food for the sake of god. 
But in the new year, people including me go out often to celebrate the new coming year. Most of us are happy at that moment. Most of the people including us spend the new year at home with their families. 
We celebrate that day especially in the evening between 7 and 8 o'clock. 
On that day our table is set with lots of food, salads, and desserts. We all often watch on tv and sometimes play a piece of music on tape and dance. That is how we celebrate it. Sometimes I go to my own room to take a nap for 30 minutes. Then I wake up and come back into the living room and join the festivity. İt is all about eating and drinking. At 12 o'clock, we often go out and watch the fireworks in the sky blowing and shining. That is how we often end up the new year.

Carla: Jeyhoon, could you tell me what you do specifically on your winter vacation. Where do you go often on vacation? Tell me more about it,  using the only simple present tense form

Jeyhoon: my family and I go often to our favorite place called Laza in Ghabala. Being it is so amazing. We often visit our favorite restaurant and eat different types of kabab only made in there. İt is so delicious. You can even lick your fingers with it. Just kidding.   
On my winter vacation, my family and I often prefer to go to places which there is snow.  İ like hiking and skiing. 
İ often go skiing in winter. İt is my hobby. İ ski on ice like an eagle sometimes. Mom always wishes me good luck before I go on skiing. She thinks that skiing is a very dangerous sport. İ think I just understand her. She is a mother. 
After skiing, I often get them to my favorite restaurant. We find any reason to celebrate it. We taste many types of bread along the way. İt is an amazing feeling on the way to tasting hot bread. While heading back to our home, we buy cheese even from the local people. İt is hand-made cheese made of goat milk. My wife always gets the hot bread and cheese and puts cheese inside the bread. Wow. İt is a very tasty and striking feeling that you just feel in your mouth. İt is a sensational and fantastic feeling. 
Aside from our trip along regions, we generally prefer to stay at home. Outside in most cases, the temperature is minus one below zero. That is we find our house safer than outside. We don't want to get sick in winter. The hospital is quite far from my house.  roads are very slippery. That is why we try to protect ourselves from viruses and catching a cold. 
At home, I generally make some jokes, and most of them like it. They laugh a lot. İ always find my mother in the kitchen. She often cooks our favorite soup called borsh. She adds some chili peppers in it and that makes it much hotter. Borsh is made of meat's juice and cabbage. 
My father is retired. İ always find him on his couch reading the news. İ often challenge him to play backgammon with me before we all sleep. My father is better than me at playing. 
My wife often finds some dramas on tv. She mostly wants to watch with me. 

Carla: what can you tell me about your spring vacation. What can you tell us about it? 

Jeyhoon:  in the summer months, I generally prefer going to some cold regions in my country. İ take 2 months vacation in summer. İ am an English teacher. The students also want to take a rest in that season. İt is hot everywhere. Most people prefer staying in the house. Because they just try to protect themselves from sunburn and sunstroke. 
But I don't like staying all day long in the house and cooling myself. 
İn summer, in the months of July and August, I go fishing with my friends. There is a river, which is quite deep, and you can even rent a boat. Fishing is one of my best hobbies in summer.  I always sit away from my friends while catching fish. Because I can't concentrate on my fishing when there is someone near me. İ like thinking unusual things in my mind when I am engaged in something. 
İ generally go fishing at 6 p.m. because the weather is hot till 6 pm. But before 6 p.m, I like going swimming. But in my place, I often go to the riverside in my car. Sometimes my younger brother accompanies me. We buy some seasonal vegetables, fruits, and cheese on our way. My brother doesn't like swimming. He likes sitting near a tree and watching nature.  İ swim a lot in the river. Swimming is a healthy sport and activity. İ every time swim around 2 hours. İ try to move my muscles back and forth while swimming. This kind of movement stabilizes my blood circulation and makes me healthier. 
İn summer, especially in the month of August, I everyday go to the park. İn the park, there are some cafes.  İ meet up there with some of my friends. 
My hometown is not that big. İt is a small region. The park is our meeting or appointment place. 
Every year, at the end of august, I meet up with my classmates from a school in the park. We talk about almost everything while walking. We talk about life, work, family and etc. 
But sadly, we only meet once a year. 
İ like saving money. Every year I check my savings and I use them to take a trip to another country. İ have a dream to take a tour around the world. İ can't afford yet taking the tour. Because I have some financial problems. In the meantime, I can only visit neighboring countries. 
İ have a dream to take the train tour. İ feel much comfortable on the train. Because there are beds and a table in it. So you can even sleep during night time in that bed. You can see many regions along the way. Just imagine, your trip is about 3 days going to another country and you see many different places in your comfortable bed.
