
Elementary and Pre-intermediate English Short Listening practice - Comparison + English conversation + Online Listening Test

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Elementary and Pre-intermediate English Short Listening practice - Comparison 


English listening practice test online


Jeyhoon: hello, Carla. İ am super fine. İt is still cold in my place. Very cold. But I really enjoy the cold weather conditions. İ can focus on my business more effectively. 

Carla: Hello dears. Welcome to our conversation show. İ hope you have listened to our last storytelling podcast. 
Jeyhoon, how is it going? İs it still cold in your place? 

Carla: it is awesome to hear that you are being motivated in cold weather. Have you prepared your questions? 

Jeyhoon: yes certainly. İ made a few questions.  İf everyone is ready, let's get started. 
My first question is ' is there anyone around that you compare yourself with? 

Carla: Oh Jesus. Jeyhoon, frankly speaking, there is no one that I compare myself with. Why? According to my point of view, a comparison of our own with others is just the incapability of the person. İf there must be someone whom I compare myself with, this must be definitely 'me' compared to yesterday's 'me'.
This way is more stress-free and beneficial rather than comparing myself with others. 
People feel more stressed and depressed as they see others' success. Because I think they wish to be like them. But they don't know that successful people sacrifice something, I mean effort and time. 

Carla: I have a question, too. 
İs your fiancee jealous? How can you describe your fiancee?

Jeyhoon:  wow, this is a great question. İ think, like most girls, she is jealous, too. But for me, her attitude and behavior towards me are more important to me than her other characteristics. For me, a good wife or fiancee must be humble, cheerful, encouraging, kind, obedient, and more importantly, lively. These features are very crucial for me in building stable relationships. 
İ feel very angry when she gets jealous of me. She gets jealous of me, especially from my colleague. İ got used to her jealousies. She says to me that she trusts in me, but not girls.  İ think I have to teach her not to feel like this for our relationship's safety.
For me, what is more essential for me in a relationship is trust and loyalty. 
What do you think about strong leadership skills?

Carla: from my own perspective, a leader must be, first of all, demanding, loving as well as thoughtful. 
When I was working in the academy in Seul 2 years ago, our team leader was very caring and loving to his employees. Each time when we got into trouble at work, he used to guide and help us to solve the problem. We used to feel motivated and encouraged by his help. İ think we were very lucky to have such a leader.
Just imagine you work in a place where your boss is very aggressive, selfish, and humiliating. How would you feel if your boss is like that? Of course, you would feel dissatisfied and unmotivated. 
İ really hate when people are arrogant. 
People look more nice and pleasant when they are so sincere, smiling, kind, and uplifting towards others  in the public

Are you scared of being caught by a disease called covid-19?

Jeyhoon: I don't really have any idea what it is like to be caught covid-19. 
Most people say that this virus is more dangerous and threatening than others. They consider that only those whose immune systems are very strong can defeat the virus. 
Some others claim that children are safe and protected from such a disease because they have a strong immune system. But it is very clear that old people whose immune systems are weak should be more careful and protect themselves from being caught to this. 
We should eat healthy and nutritious food every day and do exercise at least an hour a day. So that we can boost our immune system.
İn response to your question, I can say that I am not scared of that sickness. İ am not also scared of dying early. 
 I have isolated myself totally from the people. When I need to buy something from the market, I wear a mask and keep the distance from people. That is really better and safe for me. 

İs there any person around you, who is annoying? 

Carla:  yeah, there is. İt is my neighbor. Lately, she keeps on visiting my house, sometimes even 3 times a day. She is very talkative and chattering. She always talks about her life, husband, and family. She always tells me about buying a new car. But she is afraid of telling this issue to her husband.  
İ think I am about to be bored of her. Why? Because she sometimes visits my house at nine o'clock in the morning. She doesn't even call me to be informed about her coming. She sometimes finds me working at my desk when she comes. 
İ think I must find an appropriate way to tell her that she must limit her visits. İ have to explain to her that I have more important businesses than her.

How about you, Jeyhoon. Who annoys you more in your neighborhood?

Jeyhoon: there is no one in my neighborhood annoying me. But when some of the people with whom I don't have a close relationship want to join us when I am in a cafe with my friends, I get annoyed. 
İ am an introverted and jealous person. İ have some close friends and I really enjoy spending time with them. 
But when unfamiliar ones want to join us, I feel so annoyed. Sometimes I even leave the place early because of them. 
İ know it is funny. But this is who I am. İ hope you will not condemn me for being so. 

That is all, Carla for today.. thanks a lot to you for answering my questions sincerely. 
 see you on our next story and conversation topic

Carla: thank you, too, Jeyhoon for making such great questions. 
See you


İngilis dili lüğət

İngilizce sözlük

Английский словарь


English vocabulary Azərbaycan dili Lüğət Türkçe sözlük Pусский словарь
weather condition hava şəraiti hava Durumu погодные условия
to focus on fokuslanmaq, cəmlənmək odaklanmak, dikkatini vermek сфокусироваться на
effectively effektiv şəkildə etkili bir şekilde  эффективно продуктивно
motivated motivasiya olunmuş motive olunmuş мотивированный 
to compare müqayisə etmək  karşılaştırmak, kıyaslamak сравнивать
frankly speaking  sözün açığı açık konuşmak gerekirse, açıkcası, doğrusu откровенно говоря
According to görə, üzrə, əsasən, nəzərən göre В соответствии с
point of view nöqteyi-nəzər, yanaşma bakış açısı точка зрения
comparison müqayisə karşılaştırma, kıyaslama сравнение
incapability qabiliyyətsizlik, bacarıqsızlıq kabiliyetsizlik, elinden gelmeme, kabiliyetsizlik неспособность
compared to müqayisədə nazaran, kıyaslama yapıldığında по сравнению с
stress-free stressiz stressiz без стресса
beneficial yararlı, faydalı, qazanclı  yararlı, faydalı, kazaçlı полезный, выгодный
to feel stressed stresli hiss etmək stresli hissetmek чувствовать стресс
to feel depressed  depressiyaya düşmək depresif hissetmek чувствовать себя подавленным
to sacrifice qurban vermək  fedakarlık etmek, feda etmek, kurban etmek пожертвовать
effort cəhd, səy, zəhmət çaba, gayret, uğraşma усилие, попытка, старание
jealous qısqanç kıskanç ревнивый, завистливый
attitude münasibət tavır, tutum, davranış  отношение
behavior davranış, rəftar, oturuş-duruş davranış, hareket, tutum, tavır поведение
fiancee nişanlı, nişanlı qız, adaxlı  nişanlı, sözlü невеста
humble təvazökar, itaətkar, fağır, dilsiz-ağızsız mütevazı, alçakgönüllü  скромный, покорный, простой 
cheerful şən, gümrah, şux, gülərüzlü neşeli, keyifli, neşe saçan веселый, бодрый 
encouraging həvəsləndirici, ürəkverən cesaret verici, yüreklendirici обнадеживающий, ободряющий
kind mehriban, səmimi, gülərüz yardımsever, yumuşak başlı, iyi kalpli добрый, любезный, сердечный
obedient itaətkar, sözəbaxan, üzüyola itaatkâr, söz dinler, yumuşak başlı послушный, покорный
more importantly daha vacibi daha önemlisi  важнее 
lively canlı, hərəkətli, fəal, şux canlı, hayat dolu, neşeli, eğlenceli оживленный, веселый 
feature xüsusiyyət özellik  особенность, характерная черта
crucial vacib, əsas, həlledici çok önemli, kritik, zor ключевой, решающий, критический
to get used to öyrəşmək, vərdiş etmək alışmak чтобы привыкнуть к
trust inam, etimad, etibar güven, itimat, inanma доверять, доверие, вера 
loyalty sədaqət sadakat, bağlılık верность, лояльность, преданность
from my own perspective öz baxışımdan, öz nöqteyi nəzərimdən kendi bakış açımdan с моей точки зрения
demanding tələb edən, tələbkar  talepkar, zahmetli, emek isteyen требовательный, требующий
thoughtful düşüncəli, diqqətli, qayğıkeş düşünceli Вдумчивый, заботливый
employee işçi, qulluqçu, xidmətçi  işçi, personel, eleman работник, служащий 
to get into trouble bəlaya düşmək belaya bulaşmak  попасть в беду
to guide Bələdçilik etmək, rəhbərlik etmək rehberlik etmek, yol göstermek направлять, руководить, вести
to feel encouraged həvəslənmək cesaretlendirilmiş hissetmek чувствовать ободрение 
boss  müdür, sahib, yiyə patron, yönetici, işveren босс, хозяин, руководитель, шеф
selfish eqoist, mənfəətpərəst, xudbin bencil, egoist, kendini düşünen эгоистичный
humiliating alçaldıcı, həqarətli, təhqiramiz aşağılayıcı, küçük düşürücü унизительный 
to feel dissatisfied narazı hiss etmək tatminsiz hissetmek, memnun hiss etmemek чувствовать неудовлетворенность
sincere səmimi, təmiz qəlbli samimi, içten, dürüst  искренний, душевный, задушевный 
uplifting həvəsləndirən canlandıran, neşelendirici возвышающий 
arrogant təkəbbürlü, dikbaş, qudurğan kibirli, küstah, kendini beğenmiş  высокомерный, надменный
nutritious qidalı, qidalandırıcı besleyici, gıdalı питательный
to boost Artırmaq, yüksəltmək, qaldırmaq arttırmak, yükseltmek, kaldırmak поднять, повышать 

