
İngilis dili Danışıq dərsləri + Dinləmə mətni (Listening) + Online sınaq (Test) - Yeni il sualları

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İngilis dili  Danışıq dərsləri + Dinləmə mətni (Listening) + Online sınaq (Test) - Yeni il sualları

English Elementary Listening + Conversation + Online Tests and Vocabulary


Saytın davamlı işləməsi üçün, əməyə hörmət edib, reklama 2 saniyəlik keçid edə bilərsən?


Jeyhoon: Hello, everyone. Welcome to our daily conversation show. Today, we are going to ask some questions about Christmas and new year and answer these questions based on specific grammar rules

Hello, Carla. How are you doing? Have you made your questions for our listeners?

Carla: Hello, Jeyhoon. Yeah, I am doing great. 
Today I made a few questions for our listeners related to Christmas

Jeyhoon: my first question is ' why do many people like Christmas?' 

Carla: I am also one of the people who like Christmas. As one who loves Jesus Christ and his teachings for mankind, I can say that there are many others just like me, who like celebrating such a magnificent day all around the world.
Aside from that, according to me, Christmas brings joy and peace every year to the whole world. People share what they have with others for love and faith. They come together or reunion in a specific place and eat. They even buy lots of gifts and give them to their beloved ones. 

My question is ' who are the happiest ones at Christmas?'

Jeyhoon: for me, the happiest ones are children. Because there are many amazing activities for children such as gifts given to them by their parents, waiting for Santa's coming, etc.
When I was a child, I used to believe in Santa's coming from the chimney and think that he was going to bring me lots of gifts in his sack. 
You know being a child and feel like that is so amazing. İ really want to come back to passing years again and experience the sweetness of my childhood. 
Children feel more peaceful during Christmas. They like fireworks and firecrackers. İn my countries, many children light the firecrackers on the ground and wait for the big explosion coming through it. İt is still enjoyable for me seeing many children still follow this tradition 

My second question is ' what food do you specifically cook for your family at Christmas?

Carla: every year, I make very delicious foods for my family, such as grilled turkey with a special sauce, different types of salads made of chicken and vegetables.
However, this year we are planning not to celebrate Christmas at home. My husband has already made a reservation in a restaurant, which is famous for its fish and pickles. Last month I have been to that restaurant 2 times with my co-workers. 
Every year, during the celebration, my husband also helps me to make some dishes. He is better than me at making barbecue and roasting beef

My second question is ' do people in your country like celebrating the night outside or just staying in their houses at Christmas?


Elementary and Pre-intermediate conversation questions + Online Test


Jeyhoon: most people here in my country prefer to stay in their hometowns and celebrate the holiday in their houses. Because it is a tradition here in my place that they just wanna drink alcohol with their friends for the sake of peace and great days, and have a family reunion. 
But only some groups of people, who don't like cooking and washing the dishes after the festivity, go to restaurants and pay a lot of money. 
But these days many young generations don't follow the trend, which the old generation does. They like spending more time in the middle of the night with their friends outside, going to open clubs, bars, and pubs to celebrate. 

İ think that is not the right action for young people going outside in the middle of the night by leaving their family members just at home. 

My third question is ' what are the young people doing the most on Christmas eve?

Carla: here in my country, many couples,  who are old, just stay at home or visit their relatives.
But when it comes to young couples, who just ignore the traditions, go to many different places, taking tour reservations and visiting places which they haven't been ever. 
İ think there is a big gap between the old and young generation these days. 
The young generation doesn't accept anymore the traditions which come from the past. They find these traditions boring and dull. They just try to create new ways of fun and get rid of the boredom of common tastes. 

My last question is ' what will you do at Christmas'?

Jeyhoon: İ think I don't have any special plan for this time because the outbreak spread all over the world. Even most places are still closed. İ don't consider that it will be open on December 25 th and 31 st 
İ am planning to celebrate the holiday at home with my family in the evening. But during the daytime, I think I will go to my fiance's house to give some gifts to her family. İt is a tradition here in my place to give gifts on special occasions.


Saytın davamlı işləməsi üçün, əməyə hörmət edib, reklama 2 saniyəlik keçid edə bilərsən?

İngilis dili lüğət

İngilizce sözlük

Английский словарь


English vocabulary Azərbaycan dili Lüğət Türkçe sözlük Pусский словарь
daily conversation günlük söhbət gunluk konusma ежедневный разговор
Christmas Milad bayramı Noel Рождество
rule  qayda, qanun kural, hüküm, kanun правило
teaching öyrətmə öğretim обучение учение
mankind bəşəriyyət insanlık, insan soyu человечество
celebrate bayram etmək kutlamak праздновать
magnificent möhtəşəm, əzəmətli muhteşem, görkemli, şahane великолепный
all around the world bütün dünyada tüm dünyada по всему свету
Aside from that Bundan başqa Bunun dışında Помимо этого
according to görə, üzrə, əsasən, nəzərən göre в соответствии с
joy sevinç  sevinc, neşe радость
peace  sülh  Barış, huzur  мир, спокойствие
to share paylaşmaq, bölüşmək paylaşmak, bölüşmek делиться, разделять
faith inam, inanc inanç, iman вера
to come together bir araya gəlmək bir araya gelmek, toplanmak придти вместе
reunion qovuşma, yenidən birləşmə birleşme, toplanma воссоединение
amazing  heyrətləndirici, valehedici inanılmaz, şaşrtıcı, ilginç  удивительный
to wait for gözləmək beklemek ждать в течение
activity fəaliyyət aktivite, faaliyet деятельность
experience təcrübə, təcrübə yaşamaq yaşamak, deneyim, tecrübe etmek опыт, испытывать
sweetness  şirinlik tatlılık, şirinlik, sevimlilik сладость
firecracker zırpaket, partladan kestane fişeği фейерверк
firework fişəng havai fişek фейерверк
explosion partlayış patlama взрыв
tradition ənənə gelenek традиция
Grilled turkey qızardılmış hinduşka Izgara hindi Индейка на гриле
to make a reservation rezervasiya etmək rezervasyon yapmak забронировать
pickle turşu  turşu  соленый огурец
co-worker iş yoldaşı  iş arkadaşı, meslektaş коллега по работе сотрудник
barbecue barbekü, manqal Barbekü, mangal барбекю
roast qovurmaq, qızartmaq fırında kızartmak жарить
to prefer üstün tutmaq tercih etmek, yeğlemek, öncelik tabımak предпочитать
for the sake of xətrinə uğruna, hatırına, aşkına во имя, ради
festivity şənlik, bayram şölen, şenlik, bayram праздник, торжества
generation nəsil  kuşak, nesil поколение, генерация
in the middle of ortasında  ortasında  во время, в середине
relatives qohumlar akrabalar родственники
boredom cansıxıcılıq, darıxma Can sıkıntısı, bıkkınlık скука
to get rid of qurtulmaq, xilas olmaq, canını qurtarmaq kurtulmak избавиться