
İngilis dili dinləmə mətni ( Listening ) - Jesus's birth > The Christmas story. Dinləmə mətni testi + Lüğət

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İngilis dili Elementary və Pre-intermediate dinləmə mətni ( Listening ). Dinləmə mətni testləri


Jeyhoon: hello, our listeners. Welcome to our listening show. İt is an awesome time for everyone living all around the world. İt is Christmas time. 
Today we made a great story for you
But this time my partner, Carla, will be the one who will tell us a story. 

Hello, my dear Carla. How are you doing? What story did you make for us?

Carla: Hello, Jeyhoon. İ am doing fine. Today, I made a story which is about Christmas and where this special day comes from
İf everyone is ready, let's get started

Jeyhoon: yeah, I would love to hear that

Carla:  the reason why we call it ' Christmas' because Jesus Christ was born that day. 
About 2000 years ago, in a small town called Nazareth, there was a young woman named Mary. She was not married. But she was going to get married soon to a good man named Joseph. 

But one day while she was sleeping on her bed peacefully, something amazing happened. 
An angel of the Lord, Gabriel, appeared to Mary for informing her that soon she will have a son. 
She got surprised when she heard it from that angle. Mary couldn't believe this could be possible. But the angel explained to her that everything is just possible in God's realm. He said that the son will be called Jesus, and Son of God, the savior of all mankind from evil. 
Mary gladly submitted to God's will as she was so obedient to him. 

Months later, when she was about to have a baby, the Roman emperor sent his soldiers to announce a new law. They announced to people in the town that everyone must pay taxes now and register for a census

After this announcement, Mary and Joseph made their way to another town called Bethlehem. Their way was about 65 miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem. And the trip took many, many days. 
And when they reached Bethlehem, you might guess what happened. 
All the places and inns were full. 
Joseph, her husband, told her that he was going to find a suitable place to stay. 
He kept knocking and knocking on doors and looking for a place to stay desperately. But everyone turned their backs to him. At that moment, when he was searching an accommodation, Mary was about to have a baby. 

Joseph just came back to the place where Mary was, saying desperately that he couldn't find any inn to accommodate. At that time, Mary was very tired and worn out after their long journey. 
But she made Joseph feel relaxed saying that God will provide us what we need. 
Son of God, Jesus was born not in a palace or fancy building. He was born in a humble stable. 
Joseph brought some hay so that they could sleep.

That night was more wonderful than others, a big star was shining brightly because Jesus was born that night. 
That night when many shepherds were keeping watch over the flocks of sheep, an angel appeared to them. 
The angel said: I have good news for you. There is the savior who has been born. 
They were so surprised when they heard it. They asked the angel where they could find him. The angel told them where to find him. The shepherds were so excited and happy. They ran to the stable where Jesus was born. 
When they saw the baby, they became very happy. They immediately spread the news all around the town

This is the story of how Jesus Christ was born and where the word ' Christmas originates from.
Thank you for listening

Jeyhoon: thank you a lot for such a great story. Thanks to you, I already know why many people all around the world celebrate Christmas




İngilis dili lüğət


English Azərbaycan dili Türkçe Pусский
listener  dinləyici dinleyici слушатель
awesome  gözəl harika классно
christmas  milad bayramı Noel рождество
to make a story hekayə etmək bir hikaye yapmak сделать историю
reason səbəb sebep причина
call  zəng, çağırmaq, adlandırmaq aramak, çağrı, seslenme вызов, называть, вызывать
to be born doğulmaq doğmak быть рожденным
about  haqqında, təxminən hakkında, asagi yukarı около, об
to be married evli olmaq  evli olmak быть замужем
to get married evlənmək evlenmek жениться
peacefully sakit, sülh yolu ilə barış içinde мирно
amazing  heyrətləndirici inanılmaz удивительный
to appear  görünmək görünmek появиться
to inform məlumat vermək, xəbər vermək bilgilendirmek, haber vermek довести до сведения, сообщить
to get surprised təəccüblənmək şaşırmak удивляться
to explain izah etmək, açıqlamaq açıklamak, anlatmak объяснять
God  Allah Tanrı Бог
realm səltənət Diyar царство
savior  xilaskar kurtarıcı спаситель
mankind bəşəriyyət insanlık человечество
evil  pis kötü  злой
submit tabe olmaq Sunmak, boyun eğmek, itaat etmek Разместить, покоряться, подчиняться
obedient  itaətkar  itaatkâr послушный
announce e'lan etmək  duyurmak, ilan etmek, bildirmek, anons etmek объявить, огласить
emperor imperator imparator император
census siyahıyaalma  nüfus sayımı перепись
inn Mehmanxana Han, otel, meyhane гостиница
accommodation məskən Konaklama, kalacak yer проживание
worn out  əzgin, köhnəlmiş  Yıpranmış, yorulmuş  изношенный

