
Elementary English Short Listening ( Dinləmə mətni) Online Test- Argument in the family

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Elementary English Short Listening ( Dinləmə mətni) Online Test + Vocabulary- Argument in the family



Carla: Hello everybody!

Welcome to our daily short storytelling conversation 
Let me introduce my partner, Jeyhoon, to you, who will tell us a story today

Carla: Hello, Jeyhoon? how is it going?

Jeyhoon: hello, Carla. it is really nice to be here at your studio together with your listeners.
thank you a lot for receiving me.

Carla: so, Jeyhoon, what story will you tell us today? 

Jeyhoon:  today, I will tell the story " The argument in the family"

Jeyhoon: But, before I start narrating the story, I would like to give some advice to our listeners
my first advice to them is that they should first and foremost memorize the words written for them in the link down below the video.

Carla: Wow, that sounds pretty cool. So, our listeners will be able to get familiar with the unknown words.

Carla: I think you are planning for our listeners to improve the listening skills comprehensively

Jeyhoon: That is absolutely right. secondly, I highly recommend to our listeners to be attentive about the grammar rules and conjunctions such as before, when, about,
for, etc, during the listening process.  So, they can use these technics in their daily speaking with others and apply them to their speeches

Jeyhoon: the story happened 2 years ago on December, if everybody is ready, let's get started
Carla: Wow, I am also so eager to hear the story ( Note: Carla, say this statement very eagerly and cheerfully with a smile)


Now, Jeyhoon speaking: it was a quiet evening. my mother set the table for dinner. everyone sat around the table to eat. when we each time sitting around the table,
everyone speaks or converses with each other about everything. but this time, it was quite different than other days. my father was silent at dinner. 
I asked my father about his work and his daily routine. 
in response to my question, he told me that it was just one of the ordinary days and there was nothing special
but, I could sense there was something wrong happening in the family. 
A few minutes later, my mother went into the kitchen and got her phone to check her social media accounts for reading the news. my father called out to her to bring bread. 
she didn't hear his call. that made him quite angry. he called out to her once again. but still, there was a silence. 
he went into the kitchen and started arguing silently with her. 

I couldn't hear them properly from the table because they were silently arguing. but later on, I asked my sister about the situation
luckily she knew the reason for their argument. they were arguing about where to celebrate new year night
30 minutes later, they came into the living room and asked us about where we would like to spend that night. at home or outside?
mom told us that we every year spend the new year's night at home. so this time, she wanted to celebrate that day outside together
but, my father wanted to be at home sitting in front of the TV and watching his favorite Tv shows
I couldn't say anything about their decisions. but, to be honest I also wanted to spend that special day in the restaurant. 
however, my father kept on rejecting about spending time outside. later on, we understood that my father's mom, I mean my grandmother, and my uncle with his family were planning to visit us on that day. so, my father made a plan to host them. 

on the other hand, my mother explained to him that they can also come with us to the restaurant and we can have a great time together.
they couldn't find any solution between them. so, I decided to butt in their argument. so, I told both of them to calm down and listen to me. 

I advised that we could spend that day in the restaurant and walk an hour around the Christmas tree together. The next day, we could invite my grandmother and uncle to our house for the celebration on January first.
that sounds pretty amazing, my mother said. they all liked my idea except for my father. he said that we must celebrate that day at home, so on January 1st we can go to a restaurant 

Carla: my goodness.. that person is really stubborn.. thank you Jeyhoon, for sharing such a great story with us. 


İngilis dili lüğət

İngilizce sözlük

Английский словарь


English Azərbaycan dili Türkçe Pусский язык
storytelling hekayə danışmaq hikaye anlatımı рассказывание историй
to receive  qəbul etmək, almaq almak, kabul etmek, ağırlamak получать, принимать
argument  mübahisə  tartışma аргумент
to narrate  rəvayət etmək, nağıl etmək Anlatmak, öykülemek рассказывать, повествовать
to give advice məsləhət vermək Tavsiye vermek дать совет
first and foremost ilk olaraq, hər şeydən əvvəl ilk önce в первую очередь
to memorize əzbərləmək ezberlemek запоминать
to get familiar aşina olmak, tanış olmaq aşina olmak  познакомиться
unknown  naməlum Bilinmeyen, meçhul неизвестно, незнакомец
listening skills  dinləmə bacarıqları dinleme becerileri умение слушать
to improve təkmilləşdirmək, mükəmmələşdirmək, inkişaf etdirmək geliştirmek, artırmak улучшить
comprehensively  hərtərəfli kapsamlı bir şekilde вразумительно
to recommend tövsiyyə etmək tavsiye etmek рекомендовать
attentive diqqətli özenli, dikkatli  внимательный
to apply  tətbiq etmək başvurmak, uygulamak применять
eager  istəkli, can atan istekli, hevesli нетерпеливый
to set the table masanı düzəltmək masayı kurmak накрыть стол
to converse danışmaq sohbet etmek общаться разговаривать
silent  sessiz, susqun  sessiz, sakin  тихий
daily routine  gündəlik rutin günlük rutin повседневные дела
ordinary  adi, siravi sıradan, normal обычный
in response to  cavab olaraq cevap olarak, cevaben в ответ на
to sense hiss etmək hissetmek, algılamak чувствовать 
to check  yoxlamaq, nəzarət etmək kontrol etmek, gözden geçirmek, denetlemek проверить, контролировать
to call out to çağırmaq seslenmek позвать
properly düzgün şəkildə, lazimi qaydada uygun şekilde, dogru dürüst должным образом, равильно
to celebrate  Qeyd etmək, bayram etmək  kutlamak праздновать
decision qərar  karar решение
to be honest  sözün düzünü desək Dürüst olmak gerekirse  Если честно 
to host  qonaq etmək misafir etmek, konuk etmek, ağırlamak принимать гостей
to explain  izah etmək, açıqlamak, aydınlaşdırmaq açıklamak, anlatmak объяснять 
to butt in  sözə qarışmaq burnunu sokmak, maydanoz olmak, karışmak  вмешиваться
solution həll  çözüm решение 
to invite  dəvət etmək davet etmek, çağırmak пригласить
except for 

... dən/dan başqa

dışında кроме
stubborn  inadkar inatçı упрямый
to calm down  sakitləşmək sakinleşmek успокаиваться
to make a plan plan qurmaq plan yapmak составить план
I mean  Yəni demək istəyirəm Demek istediğim я имею в виду

