Elementary and Pre-intermediate English short listening practice + English conversation
Carla: Hello, everyone.
İt is really wonderful day outside, isn't it?
İ hope you have listened to the first listening part 1 related to 'the argument in the family'.
But today I have made some conversation questions related to listening to part 1 for everybody to answer.
My partner, Jeyhoon, will be the one answering my questions today. But i think, as always, he is going to instruct us about some grammar rules, ways of speaking, and some important words that he uses during the conversation process.
Carla: Hello, Jeyhoon, how are things going
Saytın davamlı işləməsi üçün, əməyə hörmət edib, reklama 2 saniyəlik keçid edə bilərsən?
Jeyhoon: hello, my dear Carla. İt is really awesome moment for me joining your conversation shows.
Yeah, you are right. İ must give some instructions and information to our listeners.
During our speaking in answering questions, guys, try to listen attentively and listen for many times, so that you, I mean our listeners, use these simple technics with others during practice. That is really effective way of learning for speaking automatically.
İ have also made some quizzes and prepared vocabulary for our listeners on our website given the link below the video.
So, I think it is time to start our conversation.
Carla: Jeyhoon, my first question is ' how would you react if you experienced such a problem in the family?
Jeyhoon: oh my goodness, you caught me really off-guard and unprepared.
As I am an easy-going person, I can say that I will try to build empathy to understand my wife's feelings about the issue. Because I think this only happens once a year in her life. So I would give a consentment to her wish. That is my point of view. But I can't say anything positive for others.
But how about you? How would you react if you were in that situation?
Carla: as you just said, I am an easy-going person, too.
To me, I would just try to find a tricky way to let him agree with my wish. İf I see that it doesn't work yet, then I will just obey him rather than causing a big problem.
İ believe this way is more appropriate to build strong relationships for the family.
But speaking frankly, I have never experienced such an issue in my family so far. Because we both understand and respect each other
My next question is " do you think some couples living all around the world, not only in a specific area, I mean especially men, are tough in the family in decision making?
Jeyhoon: another hard question again...
From my point of view, many families all around the world are ruled by some traditions and rules. İn many families, the man is considered as the decision-makers at the final step.
Saytın davamlı işləməsi üçün, əməyə hörmət edib, reklama 2 saniyəlik keçid edə bilərsən?
İ think our hero in our topic is really good at making decisions.
İn many cultures of the world, men are responsible for bringing food, money, solving problems, and other needs.
But when it comes to women, they are responsible for taking care of the family, children' s education, and organizing the things in every stage of the family.
That is why I think men must be tough in the family. Of course, there are also other reasons why men are sometimes tough historically and physically at home
How would you answer this question?
Carla: I have grown up in a family ruled by my father. To tell you honestly, he was very tough, decisive, and determined in every situation. On the flip side, he had a pure heart. He was very sincere, affectionate, warm-blooded, and friendly towards everyone in the family. İ think final decisions must be made by the only one who is well-determined and organized. This must be absolutely man, from my point of view.
On the other hand, there are even many women in the world who are better at decision making than men.
For me, the better answer for this is that we musnt discriminate against gender factors. And we should find better solutions each time during any argument rather than showing who is strong on the battlefield
My third question is ' do you think children are affected badly during any argument, by their parents?
Jeyhoon: this is really great question. İ knew that you would ask me this
Children, during growth, are really affected by every bad situation happening in the family, especially between parents.
İn my opinion, parents should argue not in front of the children, just somewhere where no one can hear. This is a really good way of solution for our children not to be affected.
Children are the mirrors of the family. They copy many great and bad behaviors from their families during the growing process.
We can't imagine any family without any problem and argument. These kinds of issues always happen in most families.
İ believe issues between couples must be solved just among them without anyone hears. So we can create a greater, affectionate and friendly society for the next generations
How about you? What do you think about this question?
Carla: for me, I totally agree with your opinion related to the question.
İn some families, parents should be completely responsible for their actions, especially for their children's growth. İf they fully understand their responsibility to their children, the society to come will be benefited more. The vicinity around them will be much more compliant and peaceful.
Especially this will cause a big decrease in the next family issues in the future
Thank you really so much Jeyhoon for your great and sincere answers.
Jeyhoon: it is my pleasure, Carla
Carla: there are also many different conversation questions shared on our website. Everyone can click on the link and answer the questions one by one for improving speaking skills by using and copying our speaking technics.
See you at our next listening part.
Saytın davamlı işləməsi üçün, əməyə hörmət edib, reklama 2 saniyəlik keçid edə bilərsən?
İngilis dili lüğət
İngilizce sözlük
Английский словарь
English vocabulary | Azərbaycan dili Lüğət | Türkçe sözlük | Pусский словарь |
to react | reasiya vermək cavab vermək | tepki vermek | реагировать |
to experience | təcrübə etmək yaşamaq | tecrübe etmek yaşamak denemek başına gelmek | испытать |
off-guard | hazırlıqsız | gafil | врасплох |
unprepared | hazırlıqsız | hazırlıksız | неподготовленный |
easy-going | yolagedən | Uyumlu babacan | с легким характером спокойный |
to build empathy | özünü bir başqasının yerinə qoymaq | empati kurmak | развивать сочувствие |
issue | məsələ problem | mesele | выпуск проблема |
to give a consentment | razılıq vermək | izin vermek | дать согласие |
point of view | nöqteyi-nəzər yanaşma | bakış açısı | точка зрения |
situation | vəziyət | durum | ситуация положение |
tricky | hiyləli | hileli aldatıcı | хитрый |
to obey | tabe olmaq | itaat etmek | подчиняться |
to cause a problem | problem yaratmaq | bir soruna neden olmak | вызвать проблему |
appropriate | uyğun münasib | uygun yerinde | подходящее |
to build relationship | münasibət qurmaq | ilişki kurmak | строить отношения |
so far | indiyə qədər | şimdiye kadar | слишком далеко |
couple | cütlük | çift eş karı koca | пара |
to respect | hörmət etmək | saygı göstermek hürmet etmek | уважать |
tough | sərt | zorlu sert | жесткий |
to be ruled | idarə olunmaq | yönetilmek | быть управляемым |
rule | qanun qayda | kural hüküm kanun | правило |
compliant | üzüyola üzü yumşaq | uysal itaatkar | послушный |
decision-maker | qərar qəbul edən | karar verici | принимающий решения |
to make decision | qərar vermək | karar vermek | принять решение |
to be responsible | məsuliyyətli olmaq | sorumlu olmak | быть ответственным |
to take care of | qayğı göstərmək baxmaq | bakmak ilgilənmək göz kulak olmak | заботиться о |
physically | fiziki olaraq | fiziksel olarak bedenen | физически |
to be benefited | faydalanmak yararlanmaq | faydalanmak yararlanmak | получить выгоду |
To tell you honestly | sözün düzünü desəm | dürüstce söylemek gerekirse | Честно сказать |
to grow up | böyümək | büyümek | вырасти |
On the flip side | digər tərəfdən | Diğer tarafda | С другой стороны |
affectionate | mehriban sevən əziz nəvazişli | sevecen sevgi gösteren şefkatli | любящий |
well-determined | yaxşı qərar verən | kakarlı | решительный |
organized | mütəşəkkil | düzenli tertipli | организованный |
to discriminate | ayrı-seçkilik etmək fərq qoymaq | ayrımcılık yapmak ayırd etmek | дискриминировать различать |
gender | cins cinsiyyət | Cinsiyet | Пол |
solution | həll | çözüm çare | решение |
battlefield | müharibə meydanı döyüş meydanı | savaş alanı | поле боя |
to be affected by | təsirlənmək | etkilenmek | быть затронутым |