
İngiliscə a2 səviyə mətn testləri - The day Columbus discovered America

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İngiliscə öyrənmək üçün reading (mətn) testləri


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İngilis dili mətn - The day Columbus discovered America


In the warm summer of 1492, in Spain, there were three small ships getting ready for a big trip across the ocean. On these ships were 100 men, led by a sailor named Christopher Columbus. Columbus believed that the Earth was round, and he thought that if they sailed across the Atlantic Ocean, they could reach Asia, a place in the east where people wanted to trade.

What Columbus didn’t know was that he had made a mistake in his calculations. The journey to Asia was much longer than he thought. For 29 days in October, the ships sailed on the open sea without seeing any land. But one day, they noticed many birds flying in the sky. Columbus decided to follow these birds, hoping they would lead them to land.

And they were right! On October 12, 1492, after five more days, the men finally spotted land. It wasn't Asia, though; it was one of the islands in the Bahamas. When they explored the island, they met the local people. Columbus called them Indians, thinking he had reached Asia. Little did he know that he had actually discovered a whole new world.


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İngilis dilinde sozler ve tercumesi


Get ready - Hazırlaşmaq 

Across the ocean - Okean boyu 

Led by - Rəhbərliyiylə 

Earth - Yer kürəsi 

Sail - Yelkən açmaq 

Reach - Çatmaq 

East - Şərq 

What Columbus didn’t know was that  - Kolumbun bilmədiyi şey o idi ki

Journey - Səyahət 

Notice - Fikir vermək, xəbərdarlıq 

Hope - Ümüd etmək 

Lead - Aparmaq, rəhbərlik etmək 

Land - Quru ərazi, torpaq, enmək

Spot - Yeri tapmaq 

Explore - Tədqiq etmək 

Local people - Yerli əhali 

Call - Çağırmaq, səsləmək, adlandırmaq 
