
İngilis dilinde A2 səviyə metnler ve tercumeleri - The day the first satellite was launched

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İngilis dili mətn - The day the first satellite was launched


Sputnik was a very famous thing that people created. It was the first fake moon, and it began a big race between Russia and the USA to explore space.

This object was not too big, only 58 centimeters wide, but it was heavy, over 80 kilograms! Sputnik was made of a metal called aluminum. Inside, it had things like radios, batteries, a system to let air in, and tools to measure how hot or cold it was and how strong the air was.

On October 4, 1957, Sputnik flew up into space from a place called Baikonur Cosmodrome. This was the first time something people made went around the Earth. It was a very special moment.

In Russia, everyone was really happy. They had big parties because of Sputnik. At night, lots of people looked up at the sky to see it flying by.

After this, the USA also wanted to explore space. They made a group called NASA to do this. And that's how people started learning a lot about what's up there in the sky


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İngilis dilinde sozler ve tercumesi


Create - Yaratmaq 

Fake moon - Saxta ay, Süni ay 

Race - Yarış 

Explore space - Kosmosu tədqiq etmək 

Object  - Cisim 

To be made of  - Düzəlmək

Inside - İçində 

Fly up  - Uçmaq ( yuxarıya) 

Go around - Ətrafında dolaşmaq

Look up at the sky - Səmaya baxmaq 

Called - Adına, adında
