İngiliscə öyrənmək üçün reading (mətn) testləri
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İngilis dili mətn - The day Chilean miners were rescued
In August, a terrible accident happened in Chile. 33 miners got stuck deep inside the earth after something went wrong in a mine. Imagine being in a tiny, dark space without much food, water, or air. Scary, right?
But don't worry, the government of Chile quickly started to help. For many days, rescuers tried to find the miners. Finally, on August 22, they discovered them. The miners were very far down, about 670 meters below the ground.
After finding them, rescuers sent them food and water through a small hole. Smart experts worked hard to figure out a plan to bring the miners back safely. They made a bigger hole in the rock and built a special box. This box could carry the miners, one at a time, up to the surface.
Then, after 69 long days, on October 13, everyone around the world saw the miners come out from underground. It was a very happy moment! The miners got to see their families, friends, and the people who saved them. What a relief that they were finally safe!
İngillis dilinde sozler luget
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İngilis dilinde sozler ve tercumesi
Accident - Qəza
Chile - Çili
Get stuck - İlişib qalmaq
Earth - Yerkürəsi
Mine - Mədən, şaxta
Imagine - Təsəvüür etmək
Tiny - Kiçik, kiçicik
Space - Kosmos, boş yer, boş sahə
Rescuer - Xilasedici
Miner - Şaxtaçı, mədənçi
Discover - Kəşf etmək
Through - İçindən, vasitəsilə
Figure out - Başa dü.mək, anlamaq
Bring the miners back safely - Mədənçiləri təhlükəsizcə geri gətirmək
Up to the surface - Səthə ( yerin) qədər
What a relief - Dünya varmış, nə rahatlıq!