
İngilis dilində mətnlər və tərcümələri ( A2 səviyə test) - The day the Crusaders lost Jerusalem

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İngilis dili mətn - The day the Crusaders lost Jerusalem


The Crusades were long and fierce battles that happened between Christians and Muslims for 200 years. Christians started these wars because they wanted control over Jerusalem, a city that is sacred to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Jerusalem is a special city because it has important places for three major religions in the world. Those who control Jerusalem also control access to these sacred sites. In 1095, Muslims were in charge of Jerusalem. This upset Pope Urban II, who was determined to take Jerusalem away from Muslim control,  initiated the First Crusade in France.

The Crusaders traveled through Turkey and Syria, capturing Muslim cities and sadly, killing the people living there. After three years, they reached Jerusalem and took control of the holy city, killing the people once again.

In 1187, Sultan Saladin became the ruler and wanted Jerusalem back. The Crusaders had an army of 20,000 men, but they were not very strong. They lost an important battle near the rocks called the Horns of Hattin.

Saladin then went to Jerusalem. On October 2, 1187, he entered the city, and the Crusaders lost control of the holy place.


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İngilis dilinde sozler ve tercumesi


Crusades - Səlib yürüşləri 

Fierce battles - Şiddətli döyüş 

Christian - Xristian 

Muslim - Müsəlman 

Control over - Nəzarəti ələ almaq 

Jerusalem  - Yərusalem, Qüds

Sacred - Müqəddəs 

Judaism - Yəhudilik 

Christianity - Xristiyanlıq 

Religion - Din

Access - Giriş

To be in charge of - Məsuliyətində olmaq 

Pope  - Papa

Determined - Qərarlı, əzmli 

Initiate - Başlatmaq 

Capture - Tutmaq, ələ keçirmək

Take control of - Nəzarəti ələ almaq 

Ruler - İdarəçi

Rock - Qaya 

Lose control - Nəzarəti itirmək 
