
150 fascinating speaking topics for intermediate

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Intermediate english speaking topics for learners

Intermediate english conversation questions
ESL intermediate conversation topics
Intermediate ESL conversation topics
English conversation for intermediate level
ESL upper intermediate conversation questions

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Intermediate english conversation questions

Are you aware of yourself? Who are you?

Are you aware of your bad actions and habits? What are these if your answer is YES!

Have you ever badly hurt anyone out of nothing? Why did it happen and how?

Have you ever wanted to cry out of nothing?

What is the difference between living a poor and rich life? Describe it all in detail with your own opinions!

Do you think the present technology mitigates people’s life?

What technological devices will be developed in the future and what will the world be like?

Why does our world need to be changed? Give your reasons why!

Do you believe in a world whose people live a life like in science fiction movies?

Do you believe in everything written on news?

Do you believe in masons?

Do you have any job experience? Why do many companies require job experience from us when we apply for a job?

If Santa Claus were real, what gift would you request from him?

Why do people need to work?

Describe your favorite free-time activities

What miraculous things have happened in your life since your childhood?

Have you ever been in love with?

See more intermediate questions

What is revenge for you? Have you ever got your revenge from anyone who badly hurt you?

If you were attacked in the wilderness by an animal, how would you get rid of it?

Do you think every type of animal living on Earth could be tamed?

Do you think the earth would still exist without animals?

Are you the type of person who takes advantage of the opportunities given to you?

Have you ever taken advantage of your failure?

What is your personal opinion about the people who abuse your sincerity?

Describe your personality in the family and among friends!

Have you ever felt like you have been forgotten by someone? Who is this person if your answer is YES?

Would you work 15 hours a day if you were given an extra salary? Why/why not?

Why do we get sick? What causes sickness?

What must be taught to our children to let them become successful in the future?

What has changed in your life after the announcement of Covid – 19 in the country where you live?

What changed in the world dramatically in the period of the coronavirus pandemic?

Who are the people who always stand by and support you?

What are the challenges in your life?

Is there any challenge in your life that you have already completed?

Describe to us your country’s healthcare and education centers?

How pleased are you living with the standards of your country established ( built)?  

Many people in the world suffer from obesity. Do you have such problems?

Do you think doctors should be kind to their patients? Are there any doctors in your place who are very impolite and unkind to their patients?

Have you ever contributed any sum to those in need?

Have you ever helped anyone who was begging for money and food?

ESL intermediate conversation topics

What is the difference between women and men? Describe all in detail!

What is the difference between being poor and rich?

What is the difference between being an ordinary and a successful man?

What is the difference between daughter and son?

What is the difference between modern and ancient times?

Why do many countries of the world try to follow people’s lifestyles in Europe and want to be Westernized?

Have you ever hurt anyone unintentionally? If so, how did it happen and why?

What movie could you narrate to us that you were so impressed with?

What is your country famous for?

Describe to us some famous places where tourists often visit in your country.

Have you ever fainted in public? What was the reason if your answer is YES

Have you ever been forced to do anything that you don’t like?

According to nutritionists, many things eaten in modern times are harmful. To what degree do you agree with this opinion?

According to experts, many girls in the modern-day do harmful things to beautify themselves. What are these harmful things in your opinion?

What are the dangerous and harmful things that men do?

If you were given endless wealth for 24 hours, what would you do with it?

Do you believe in evil eyes?

What causes a sudden heart attack in men and women? Tell us the reasons why it happens.

Why do women live longer than men? What are the reasons?

Do you think men and women are equal?

Do you think men who work all day long should help their wives with household chores?

What kind of food do we need to eat to boost our immune system so that we can stay healthy?

Do you believe in an afterlife? If so, what do you expect to see there?

Have you ever received a gift from a man or woman?


Intermediate ESL conversation topics

Do you think children in small ages must be taught how to organize their room and cook?

Have you ever attended any seminar, course, or training?

Have you ever worked as a volunteer?

What type of woman or man would you want to marry?

Have you ever been encouraged to do what is in your mind?

Have you ever told anyone any secret of yours?

Has anyone proposed you do an illegal thing?

What is your general opinion about finding a soulmate from the internet?

What is the definition of success?

Have you ever gone against your parents?

Are you controlled by your emotions?

Would you want to live on an island for 30 days?

Describe your day without the internet.

Have you ever saved anyone’s life?

What actions do we need to take to save our earth?

What benefits have you gained from your friends?

What chances have you created in your life that you benefit from?

Do you think every person needs a second chance? Why / why not

What are the side effects of vaccination against Covid -19?

Have you ever dreamed about living far from your hometown and family? If so, why?

what distracts your focus on working? Give many reasons to make a great speech.

What place in your house makes you feel more comfortable?

What is your opinion about the ones eating fast food and junk food? Do you find eating these kinds of food healthy?

What makes you feel proud about yourself? Are you proud of your friends? Why / why not

Have you ever felt depressed about anything?

Could you compare your nation’s way of living with other nations?

What is the best place for you to take a rest?

Have you ever been in trouble?

Have you ever done anything that you promised yourself that you would never do?

English conversation for intermediate level

What things have you promised yourself that you will never do anymore?

What is the best gift for you in life?

What is your opinion about the people who are vegetarian, fruitarian, and vegan?

Do you compete with other people? Why / why not

What would be the best conversation topic for you to express your ideas all in detail by using different types of sentence structures?

Are you a decision-maker?

Some people prefer to see places originally made by the nature for rest. Others prefer places artificially made by humans such as holiday centers, spa centers, and so on. Which one do you prefer the most?

What activities would be the best for you to spend time in nature?

Think that you are in an interview, how would you introduce yourself?

Could you tell us how is the marriage ceremony in your place?

Why can’t we hold what we have learned in our minds deeply? What is the reason for this?

Have you ever had an accident on the road?

Do you think parents should spend more time with their children? Why?

What are the strangest things in your country?

Why do we need to tell a lie? Do you think telling the truth is always good?

What is the first thing that you do when you wake up?

What makes you feel alone?

Is there any special activity that you do when you are alone?

Do you fear living alone for the rest of your life?

Do you prefer an apartment or a yard house? Why?

How do you respond when others display a bad attitude towards you?

Do you compare yourself with others? Do you think the comparison is bad behavior?

Do your parents compare you with others’ children when you do something that they don’t like?

Do you judge yourself when you make mistakes?

Do you often talk with yourself? Do you listen to what your inner voice tells?

Talk about your country’s traditional cuisine. What food is more preferable during the eating time?

Do you drink alcohol? Why do people keep on drinking alcohol although they know it is very dangerous for their health?

Describe to us neighborhood relations in your place.

Do you work? How much salary do you desire to earn in the future?

Do you think money brings happiness into a person’s life?

Some people who live in cities prefer eating food coming from villages, not markets. Do you think the food you buy from markets is good quality or not?


ESL upper intermediate conversation questions


Why do girls want to be thin?

Nowadays many people who are especially above 40 prefer living in suburbs or villages, not in cities. What is the reason for it?

How would the world be like if suddenly men disappear?

How would the world be like if suddenly women disappear?

Are you satisfied with the conventional way of teaching in classes? What novelty would you like to see?

Which system is better, Capitalism or Socialism? And why?

In what ways do mothers feed their babies? Do they let their babies watch cartoons while feeding them?

What sports are very famous in your country? Do you find football interesting?

What types of food increase high blood pressure?

Do you owe money to anyone?

How do you feel when someone asks you to borrow money?

Have you ever lent money to anyone? How did it happen if your answer is YES?

What is your position at work? Do you find your position inspiring or boring?

What are your responsibilities in life? Do you like living a life without any responsibility?

Many young people enjoy spending time in the restaurants such as Mcdonald's, KFC, Starbucks, and so on. What is your opinion about it?

Nowadays watching something on tv has become less popular. What causes less popularity of television?

Do you think children should be left free to experience the outside world or held in control?

How do people in your country treat tourists?

Describe your feelings when you were at a difficult exam?

What are the best free time activities, fishing, hunting, riding a horse or bike, etc.?

Most people claim that drinking artificially made sugary drinks is bad for human organisms and health. What do you think about it?

What was the name of your first mobile phone? How did you feel when you had it?

How did people use to keep in touch with one another before the internet and mobile phones?

Have you ever limited or prevented yourself from doing anything harmful to you? If so, what was that?

What limitations must be conducted by the governments during Covid – 19 pandemic?

In what century would you prefer to live aside from the present time?

Do you apply what you learned in the past into your life?

What types of books do you prefer reading in terms of improving yourself?

