
Pre-intermediate and Intermediate English conversation topics

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1. Hobbies 




  1. {{Tell me about your hobbies}}  
  2. Tell me about people’s hobbies
  3. Do you think having hobbies helps us to think deeply and work efficiently?
  4. Do you think working every day can be considered as possessing a hobby? Why? give  some reasons
  5. Do you think the workload of everyday life is an {{intervention for the society}} to gain specific hobbies? Why? Give some examples and write your opinions before starting to speak
  6. Some people learn different languages as it is just easy and interesting time activity for them. What is your opinion?
  7. What is your opinion about the {{internet}}, which is considered now as one of the greatest activities among hobbies?
  8. Can you imagine your life without any activity or hobby?
  9. Do you think our hobbies change as we grow older? Explain why?
  10. Give me any example what hobbies the old people possess when they retire?
  11. What are some hobbies of the future? Think first and give some examples
  12. Do you have any {{hobby}} that you possess at home?
  13. Do you have any mutual hobby with your family members?
  14. Tell me about your girlfriend’s or boyfriend’s hobbies
  15. What hobbies did you used to have in the past, but not now?
  16. Do you think some hobbies are becoming boring as we grow older? Why? Let us know your thought about this
  17. Do you think some activities on internet are becoming the most popular hobbies compared to traditional ones such as hiking, swimming, walking and etc….? what do you think? What is your favorite one?


bowling  boulinq   bovling  боулинг
camping  düşərgə kamp yapmak кемпинг
card games  kart oyunları kart oyunları, kağıt oyunu  карточные игры
chess  şahmat satranç шахматы
cinema  kinoteatr sinema  кино
computer games  kompyuter oyunları  bilgisayar oyunları компьютерные игры
darts  dart dart дартс
eating out çöldə yemək dışarıda yemek еда вне дома
cooking  yemək bişirmək, bişirib-düşürmə yemek pişirme, aşçılık  Готовка, 
crossword puzzles  krossvordlar çapraz bulmaca кроссворды
gardening bağçılıq  Bahçıvanlık, bahçe işləri садоводство
internet  internet internet  Интернет
knitting  toxuculuq örme Вязание
painting  rəsm boyama, resim картина, живопись
playing the guitar  gitara çalmaq Gitar çalmak играя на гитаре
playing pool  bilyard oynamaq  bilardo oynamak играть в бильярд
puzzle games  puzzle oyunları Yapboz oyunları головоломки
reading  oxu, mütaliə  okuma чтение
watching tv  televizora baxmaq  televizyon izləmək  смотря телевизор
travelling  səyahət etmək seyahat путешествие
sailing  yelkən açma  yelken sporu, denize açılma  плавание
sunbathing  günəş vannası qəbul etmək güneşlenme солнечные ванны
embroidery  tikmə, naxış  nakış, oya  вышивка
graphic design  grafik dizayn Qrafik dizayn графический дизайн
watching documentaries  sənədli filmə baxmaq  belgesel izlemek  смотреть документальные фильмы
dog walking  it gəzdirmək  köpek yürüyüşü выгул собак
yoga  yoqa  yoga  йога
glass blowing  şüşə sənəti  cam sanatı  выдувание стекла
sculpting  heykəltəraşlıq heykeltraşlık yapmak  лепка
wood crafting  ağac sənətkarlığı ahşap işçiliği обработка дерева
riding a bicycle  velosiped sürmək bisiklete binmek поездка на велосипеде
playing video games  Video oyunlar oynamaq video oyunları oynamak играя в видео игры
singing  mahnı oxumaq  Şarkı söyleme пение
dancing  rəqs etmək  dans etmək  танцы
carpentry  dülgərlik marangozluk плотницкие работы
meditation  meditasiya  meditasyon  медитация
archery  oxculuq  oxçuluq  стрельба из лука
beekeeping  arıçılıq arıcılık  пчеловодство
board games stolüstü oyunlar  masa oyunları настольные игры


2. Time



1. Let’s discuss about your free time activites

2. How much free time do you usually have?

3. How do you spend your time?

4. How does your family spend their time? Tell me more about them

5. Tell me what your father/mother/sister/husband/wife does for time management?

6. What do you spend your time the most to? For fun or learning new skills?

7. Do you think we should divide our working hours and moments for fun equally?

8. If you are given extra 60 years more, what would you do first?

9. Will  you choose to have immortality and limitless time for existing if you are given an opportunity by mystical power? Why? Tell me your opinion!

10. Do you think spending our time for only working is beneficial or just killing ourselves? Give me a detailed answer

11. Do you think spending our time for fun and doing nothing is just a waste of time? Answer by writing your opinions first on the paper

12. Which one is more important? Money or time?

13. People sacrifice their time for earning money. Do you think it is worth to it? Why?

14. Most young people in these days waste their time by only sleeping due to some reasons, according to some experts. Do you agree with this statement




1.How often do you travel in a year?

2.Tell me about one of your greatest travel activities.

3.Tell me about some of places where you can travel in your country

4.Tell me about some places where you have travelled in abroad

5.Do you think having a trip to somewhere makes us learn new things more than reading or watching? What are these? What exactly do we learn?

6.Do people in your place travel? What places are these that they travel the most? Why? Tell me more about it

7.Describe a bad and good moment that you experienced when you travelled.

8.Do you think what we eat during a trip is a great fun? What are some other great ways of enjoying a trip?

9.Which area do you think is the best option for travelers? Europe, Asia, Africa or other continents?

10.Have you been to Asia, Europe and other continents?

11.Which one is much more fun? Having a trip with family, friends or boyfriend (girlfriend)? Why?

12.Have you made friends from different area during your trip?

13.Which one do you think can be more interesting? Traveling in our young age or old age? Why?

14.Would you like to have a job that enables you to travel to many countries? Why?
