
Learn english through history - The Gladiator

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Pre-intermediate Short Listening History and Quiz in English and Vocabulary - The Gladiator



Carla Flores: Hello everyone. Welcome to our history telling show
Tonight i am going to tell the story about Roman gladiator. But before narrating the story, click the link down below the video to test your english listening skills. 

Allright, lets get started


English listening history

A gladiator was a fighter in ancient Rome who entertained spectators in Roman arenas and amphitheatres. He fought against other gladiators and animals. For more than six centuries gladiatorial fights were a part of Roman life. Thousands of citizens went to the stadiums to see their heroes who often fought until death.

Although they were not regarded as highly as professional soldiers, gladiators were respected in Roman society. They were often slaves or prisoners who were bought by a manager. He sent them to special gladiator schools where they were trained to fight in a professional way, much like today’s athletes. In these schools gladiators were shown how to use various weapons and, above all, how to survive. Gladiators were paid if they managed to survive a fight. After five years under their manager they were set free.

Gladiators had to take an oath. They promised to obey their masters and show bravery when fighting in the arena. Everyone could volunteer to become a gladiator. Sometimes free men became gladiators because they wanted to become famous.

The first fights were held in Rome in the third century B.C. A famous Roman citizen organized the first fights in a cattle market. As the events became more popular, many people came to see them. Later on the most famous fights were held in the Coliseum, which held thousands of spectators at that time. In 325 A.D. gladiatorial fights were banned by Emperor Constantine I but they continued into the 5th century.

Gladiators often fought wild animals, like bears, bulls or lions. These animals were brought to Rome from exotic places. The Romans treated the animals badly and let them starve, so they were very aggressive and hungry before the fight. They were kept in cages under the arena. In most cases gladiators defeated the animals but sometimes they were killed by the beasts. Fights against wild animals were similar to bullfights in modern Spain.

Gladiators had different types of weapons to fight. They often wore helmets and used a shield to protect themselves. They fought with swords, bows and arrows. When a gladiator hurt his opponent the spectators put their thumbs to show that they wanted him to live and their thumbs down to signalize they wanted the defeated gladiator to be killed

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English Vocabulary - Azərbaycan dili Lüğət Türkçə  sözlük -  Pусский словарь


fighter döyüşçü, cəngavər dövüşçü, savaşçı боец, вояка
to entertain əylənmək, əyləndirmək eğlendirmek развлекать 
spectator tamaşaçı  seyirci, izleyici зритель
amphitheatres amfiteatrlar amfitiyatrolar амфитеатры
century əsr, yüzillik  yüzyıl  век, столетие
fight dava, döyüş kavga, dövüş, savaş борьба бой
citizen vətəndaş vatandaş гражданин
hero qəhrəman kahraman герой
slave kölə, qul  kul, köle  раб, невольник
prisoner məhkum, əsir, dustaq mahkum, tutsak, esir  пленник,  заключенный
manager idarədar  yönetici  руководитель, хозяин
to be trained öyrədilmək eğitilmek быть обученным
weapon silah silah оружие
above all hər şeydən əvvəl bilhassa, özellikle, en önemlisi превыше всего, прежде всего
to survive sağ qalmaq sağ kalmak, hayatta kalmak, dayanmak выживать
to take an oath and içmək yemin etmek принести присягу 
to obey itaət etmək itaat etmek  подчиняться
master  usta,  yiyə, sahib  efendi, usta, sahip  хозяин, господин, владелец, мастер
bravery cəsarət, igidlik cesaret, yiğitlik, kahramanlık храбрость, мужество
volunteer könüllü ,könüllü olmaq  gönüllü, gönüllü olmak волонтер 
to organize təşkil etmək organize etmek, düzenlemek, kurmak организовывать, устраивать
to be banned qadağan olunmaq yasaklanmak  быть запрещенным 
bear ayı ayı медведь
bull öküz, buğa boğa бык 
to treat rəftar etmək, müalicə etmək tedavi etmek, muamele etmek, davranmak лечить, относиться, обращаться
to starve acından ölmək, aclıq çəkmək  açlıktan ölmek  голодать, морить голодом
beast vəhşi heyvan  hayvan, canavar  зверь, скотина
bullfight öküz döyüşü boğa güreşi бой быков 
helmet dəbilqə, kaska kask, miğfer, başlık шлем, каска
shield qalxan kalkan, zırh, siper щит 
sword qılınc kılıç  меч
bow yay yay смычок
arrow ox  ok стрелка
opponent rəqib rakip, karşı taraf  противник, противник
thumb baş barmağı  başparmak  большой палец
defeated  məğlub mağlup  побежденный 

