
İngilis dilinde A2 səviyə metnler ve tercumeleri test - The day The car was faster than the speed of sound

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İngilis dili mətn - The day the car was faster than the speed of sound


People have always been really interested in how fast things can go. Thanks to technology getting better in the early 1900s, people started enjoying speed even more. They kept trying to go faster and faster.

The first recorded speed record is from 1898 when someone drove at 63 km/h. After that, new records were set very quickly. In 1929, people reached a speed of 372 km/h!

By 1965, the cars used for setting records didn't look like regular cars anymore. An American named Craig Breedlove went super fast, reaching 966 km/h. Everyone wondered, "Can anyone break the sound barrier?"

Then, on October 15, 1997, a pilot named Andy Green sat in a huge machine that weighed 10 tons. It had two big engines and used 18 liters of fuel every second.

Andy started the machine, and it went faster and faster, passing 1000 km/h. Everyone held their breath, waiting for a big boom, which meant he had broken the sound barrier. And there it was! The boom echoed, and everyone was so happy. Andy reached an amazing speed of 1228 km/h!


İngillis dilinde sozler luget


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İngilis dilinde sozler ve tercumesi


To be interested in - Maraqlanmaq 

Get better - Yaxşılaşmaq 

In the early 1900s - 1900 cu illərin əvvəlində 

Speed - Sürət 

Record - Rekord, qeyd etmək

Reach - Çatmaq 

Set records - Rekord qırmaq, rekorları təyin etmək

Regular - Qaydalı, sabit, müntəzəm 

Wonder - Bilmək istəmək 

Barrier - Sədd

Huge - Nəhəng 

Weigh - Çəkisi olmaq 

Engine - Mühərrik 

Fuel - Benzin, yanacaq 

Hold breath - Nəfəsi tutmaq 

Echo - Eko, eko vermək
