
Elementary and Pre-intermediate English Short Listening Story practice #1

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Elementary and Pre-intermediate English Short Listening Story practice -  Online Listening Test


In this section of Elementary and pre intermediate english short listening stories, I (Jeyhoon Yusifov) and Carla Flores try to teach you the English sentence structures that we will use in our daily English story telling part and the English-Azerbaijani-Turkish and Russian words and vocabularies through animations. At the same time, the English listening tests related to the English short listening text are shared below. Our main goal is to make English words and sentences used in the conversation and tellin stories  in a more memorable form in accordance with the rules of English grammar through simple dialogues and short texts in English.

My advice to you is to try to write your own English short stories in this form by pausing the video at certain intervals after the start of the video and replacing the English sentences with other English words in your own style. By writing your English stories and answers in this way, you will see that after a certain period of time, your English grammar, speaking, and English vocabulary base increase. 


Carla: Hello everyone.  Welcome to our short, easy listening story part. in this episode, my partner, Jeyhoon, and I will tell you some stories to let you improve your English listening skills. But, before we start, I recommend you to click the link down below the video to learn some words related to topics and test your English through quizzes. 

Carla: Hello, Jeyhoon. I have made only two stories for our listeners in this episode? how about you? 

Jeyhoon: Hello, Carla. I have only made one story. if everyone is ready, let's get started to hear our first story.


Carla: my first english listening story is about a girl who loves living in the village.  


There was a girl named Jessica, who lived with her family. She was 27 years old
She had a rich family. Her father very often was taking a business trip to foreign countries to promote his company. 
She could see her father's face from time to time
His father was feeling old enough to manage his business outside the country. He wanted to retire from his work and enjoy life. He was bored of living in town and hearing people's noise everywhere. 
So he decided to buy a house in a village where only a few people lived. 
One night he told everyone that he had already bought a house in the village and wanted to live there. 
Jessica felt upset when she heard his father's decision. She didn't want to live there. She stated that there was nothing interesting living. No cafe, no library or other different places to go, she said. 

Her father said: you can stay here in town if you like. Later she changed her mind and said: Alright, I will come and live with you. İf I don't like living there, I will return here.

A few weeks later, They moved to their new home in the village. They could only hear the chirping sound of birds, the flow of rivers falling from mountains, and drizzling rain

On the first week of her stay in the village, she felt alone. But she was an artist drawing the beauty of everything which is real to her. She decided to go to the mountain nearby to find something interesting to draw. 
She had to climb to the mountain to catch attractive scenes for her drawing. And she really did it
When she reached the peak, she found out that everything from the top appears more realistic to her.  She was very happy to seize the moment and that beautiful scene.  
She drew the beauty of the village that lies under her feet. She decided to come back there again the next day and make a drawing. 
When she came back home, she saw her dad making a barbecue outside for dinner. 
She approached her father and thanked him a lot. She said: Alright, I can live with you here. Because there are many beautiful places here to see and draw.


English Vocabulary - Azərbaycan dili Lüğət Türkçə  sözlük -  Pусский словарь 


to take a business trip iş ezamiyyətinə çıxmaq iş seyahetine çıkmak поехать в командировку
to promote böyütmək, reklam etmək, rütbə sini artırmaq yükseltmek, önayak olmak, desteklemek 

продвигать, способствовать,

поддерживать, повышать

from time to time arabir, ayda-ildə, təkəmseyrək  zaman zaman, ara sıra время от времени, временами
to manage idarə etmək, öhdəsindən gəlmək yönetme, idare etmek, çekip çevirmek  управлять, руководить, вершить 
to retire təqaüdə çıxmaq, uzaqlaşmaq, vəzifədən getmək emekli olmak уйти в отставку 
to be bored of bezmək, sıxılmaq sıkılmak, bıkmak  скучать 
to feel upset məyus olmaq üzgün hissetmek  расстроиться 
decision qərar karar  решение 
to state bildirmək, ifadə etmək  bildirmek заявить, заявлять, утверждать 
chirping sound of birds quşların cingiltili səsi  kuşların cıvıl cıvıl sesleri  щебетание птиц 
flow axın, axar  akış, akım, akıntı  течь, течение 
drizzling rain çiskin yağış  çiseleyen yağmur  моросящий дождь 
artist rəssam ressam, sanatçı  художник 
to climb dırmaşmaq, qalxmaq tırmanmak, çıkmak  карабкаться, взбираться, подниматься
attractive scenes cəlbedici səhnələr  çekici sahneler  привлекательные сцены
peak zirvə  zirve, uç вершина горы 
find out öyrənmək, aşkar etmək, ortaya çıxartmaq bulup çıkarmak  узнать, выяснять, понять, обнаруживать
to seize the moment anı tutmaq  anı yakalamak поймать момент 
to make a barbecue barbekü etmək  barbekü yapmak сделать барбекю
to approach  yaxınlaşmaq, yanaşmaq  yaklaşmak, yanaşmak приближаться 


Jeyhoon: My english listening story is about a man who never gave up his dream

there was a man named Joseph. He was 24 years old at that time. He always dreamt about being a rich man. He was a poor man. He lived with his family. His father had a big land. He was a farmer growing some vegetables in a small part of his land. He was selling them to his customers. He was an old man. He couldn't manage to work anymore in the field. Joseph mostly used to help his father. But, he wanted to create his own business by following what his father had taught him.  He had to find a better way to make the business more profitable. He knew that he had to learn and study a lot to make his plan become real. 

Joseph always used to watch some interesting videos related to farming on the internet. He followed many farming channels on youtube to get many useful ideas. 
He gained some beneficial knowledge over the next months related to farming and animal husbandry.  He made a decision to put the knowledge he gained into practice. 
He told his ideas to his father about farming and animal husbandry. His father liked the ideas he had. He stated that he at least needed 4 years to implement them. 
He had to use a big part of the land that his father possessed. Firstly, he had to plant clover, rice, and wheat in a big part of the land so that he could feed his poultry and cattle over the next years. in course of time,  He wouldn't be dependant anymore on paying extra money for his animal business.

İn the beginning, he had  2 cows, 4 sheep, and twenty turkeys. 
He also made a plan about how to increase the number of animals that he possessed
But he was well aware that he needed to have the finance to make his plans come true
As they were poor, he decided to find alternative work to earn extra money. He saved some money within a year. He used his savings to buy some types of equipment that he could utilize for cultivation and harvesting on his farm. With the rest of his savings, he increased the number of animals, such as goose, duck, hen, calf, in a small amount. 
He had to fight against some insects by using pesticides so he could harvest well enough from the soil. On his plantation, he improved the irrigation system. İt took nearly 2 years to develop it. 
He used organic fertilizers for his plantation in the soil. His cows were grazing at meadows and pastures which he grew. 
He worked very hard over the next four years. He experienced many difficulties along the way. But he never gave up his dreams. 
He is now a very rich man in his country. There are lots of workers already working for him in his agriculture

This is the story of Joseph

How about you, Carla. What is your next english listening story about?


English Vocabulary - Azərbaycan dili Lüğət Türkçə  sözlük -  Pусский словарь


to give up vaz keçmək, imtina etmək, atmaq pes etmek, vazgeçmek, bırakmak сдаваться 
to dream about xəyal qurmaq  hayal etmek  мечтать о 
farmer fermer, əkinçi  çiftçi  фермер 
to follow izləmək, arxasına düşmək  takip etmek, izlemek, sürdürmek  следить, следить 
beneficial  sərfəli, yararlı, faydalı  yararlı, faydalı  полезный, выгодный 
profitable sərfəli, gəlirli qazanclı  karlı, kazançlı, yararlı прибыльный, доходный, выгодный
related to  ilə əlaqəli  ile ilgili  относится к 
farming  əkinçilik, kənd təsərrüfatı  çiftçilik, tarım  сельское хозяйство 
animal husbandry  heyvandarlıq  hayvancılık  животноводство 
to implement həyata keçirmək, yerinə yetirmək  yerine getirmek, uygulamak  реализовать, осуществлять, выполнять
clover  yonca yonca  клевер
wheat buğda  buğday пшеница 
poultry toyuq-cücə kümes hayvanları  домашняя птица 
cattle mal-qara  sığırlar  крупный рогатый скот
in course of time zamanla zamanla  со временем
dependant  asılı  bağımlı, muhtac зависимый 
to possess sahib olmaq malik olmaq sahip olmak, tutmak  обладать владеть
aware xəbərdar  farkında, haberdar осведомленный, знающий
finance maliyyə  maliye, mali durum, para durumu  финансовое дело, финансы
to come true  gerçəkləşmək, doğru çıxmaq  gerçekleşmek сбываться, воплотиться, реализоваться 
savings qənaət  biriktirilmiş para сбережения
to utilize istifadə etmək  yararlanmak, kullanmak, yarar sağlamak утилизировать, использовать
cultivation becərmə  yetiştirme, tarım, ziraat выращивание 
harvest  məhsul yığımı, biçin hasat, ürün, harman, toplamak  урожай, сбор, жатва 
goose  qaz  kaz Гусь 
hen  toyuq tavuk курица 
calf  dana, buzov  buzağı, dana Телец 
pesticides pestisidlər  Tarım ilacı  пестициды 
plantation əkin  ekili, alan  плантация насаждение
irrigation suvarma, suvarılma sulama  орошение, ирригация
insect  həşərat, cücü  haşere, böcek  насекомое, букашка 
fertilizer gübrə gübre  удобрение 
to graze otlamaq, otarmaq otlatmak, otlamaq  пасти 
meadow çəmən, çəmənlik  çayır, ova, çimenlik  луг, луговина
pasture otlaq, örüş  otlak, çayır пастбище 
agriculture Kənd təsərrüfatı, əkinçilik  tarım, ziraat, çiftçilik  сельское хозяйство


Carla: My next english listening story is about a woman from my neighborhood.


Many years ago, there lived a very quarrelsome woman in my neighborhood. Most of my neighbors didn't like her behaviors
One night while I was sleeping in my bed, a thief sneaked into my house. At that time, I was having a dream. İn my dream, I saw that I was listening to the tranquility of the river in the middle of the forest. While I was listening to it, suddenly I heard a crackling sound coming from the bush. Then I saw a wolf chewing the prey in its mouth. That scene horrified me. İ immediately woke up and drank a glass of water nearby. 
My husband was on a business trip. İ was alone at home that night. 
İ tried to sleep back. But later on, I heard another crackling sound coming from the kitchen. İ felt terrified. 
What sound could it be? İ asked myself
Then I began to go near the door and listened. There was somebody in the kitchen. İt was a thief looking for something valuable to steal. He knew that I was in the bedroom. 
My heart was beating so fast. 
Who could help me in the middle of the night? İ said. 
Unfortunately, I had left my phone on the table in the kitchen. 
İ couldn't call the police. 
While thinking about what I could do, suddenly I saw a light coming from the next building, 
İt was my neighbor watching on tv. 
That moment I immediately took a paper and wrote that there was a thief in my kitchen at present. Please call the police. 
İ opened the window slightly and waved the paper to the left and right. But it didn't draw her attention. Afterward, I used the flashlight that I took from my drawer. İ made it wink many times to draw her attention. 
She saw me from the window. İ let her read my call for help on the paper. 
My neighbor immediately went to the kitchen and got her hammer as soon as she read it. 
She called the police station. She called out to everyone living around before the police arrived. 
A few minutes later, many people gathered around and joined her. She came to my door and knocked on it. İ was so scared to open it. Because the thief had hidden in the kitchen. 
minutes later,  she broke into my house by breaking the door with the help of people near her. When she entered the living room, she found nobody around. Because the thief had hidden in the kitchen. Then I run into the living room by screaming. İ said: He is in the kitchen
The woman by herself went into the kitchen and saw the thief. She punched on his face four times and knocked him down
When policemen arrived, they saw the thief lying on the floor.
İ thanked her for saving my life and house.  Everyone who saw her heroism in saving my life appreciated a lot


English Vocabulary - Azərbaycan dili Lüğət Türkçə  sözlük -  Pусский словарь


quarrelsome davakar, qalmaqallı, dalaşqan kavgacı сварливый, драчливый
behavior davranış, rəftar  davranış  поведение 
to sneak into  girmək  gizlice girmek  проникнуть в 
tranquility  sakitlik  sükunet, huzur, sakinlik спокойствие 
crackling sound  cingiltili səs  çatırtı sesi  треск 
bush  kol  çalı  куст 
to chew  çeynəmək  çiğnemek  жевать 
prey  ov  av  добыча жертва
to feel terrified dəhşətə gəlmək  korkmuş hissetmek  быть в ужасе 
thief oğru  hırsız  вор 
valuable  dəyərli, qiymətli  değerli, kıymetli  ценный 
to steal  oğurlamaq  çalmak  украсть
unfortunately  təəssüf ki, bədbəxtlikdən  ne yazık ki, maalesef  К сожалению 
suddenly  birdən, gözlənilmədən, qəfildən  aniden, birdenbire, ansızın внезапно 
slightly yüngülcə  hafifçe  слегка 
to draw attention diqqət çəkmək  İlgi çekmek  привлечь внимание 
to wave  dalğalamaq, əl yelləmək  el sallamak, dalgalanmak  махать, волноваться 
flashlight cib fənəri  el feneri  фонарик
to wink  göz qırpmaq  göz kırpmak, yanıp sönmek  подмигивать 
hammer  çəkic çekiç  молоток
to call out to  çağırmaq  seslenmek позвать 
to be scared  qorxmaq  korkmak  испугаться 
to break into  girmək  zorla girmek  вломиться, врываться
to scream  qışqırmaq, bağırtı salmaq  çığlık atmak, haykırmak, çığlık atmak кричать, вскрикнуть 
savings qənaət  tasarruf biriktirilmiş para сбережения 
heroism qəhrəmanlıq, fədakarlıq kahramanlık  героизм, геройство
to appreciate qiymətləndirmək, dəyərləndirmək, qədrini bilmək takdir etmek, değerlendirmek ценить, оценивать

